Planning Board Meeting Minutes 08/12/2024

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Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes August 12, 2024

Call to order 7:04 PM

1. Roll Call:
Mark Anthony – Chair
Hal Kobrin
Ross Knowles
Barb Gallagher

2. Approval of July 8, 2024 minutes
Hal motion to accept, Ross second, all in favor.

3. Continue discussion on fees
Ross provided additional information on fees from surrounding towns (Otis, Monterey, Tolland, Blandford, Sandisfield) for their equivalent Form A, B, & Cs. Many towns have different requirements that go along with these processes. Our fees are on the low side but we are also a smaller town compared to some of them.
Christina will email some of the towns that do not have information on the website.

4. Any other business old or new.
Article on Affordable Home Act- need to review the guidelines before we can discuss but might apply for Otis

October Meeting- Columbus Day is second Monday of the month. Will schedule meeting for the following week on the 28th.

5. Mark motion to adjourn 7:28 PM. Hal Second. All in favor.