Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes February 14, 2022
1. Roll Call: Hal called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM
a. Hal Kobrin, co-chair
b. Jen Daily, new co-chair
c. Rona Knight, member
d. Jim Kauffman, member
e. Barbara Gallagher, member
2. Approval of minutes
Approval of January 10, 2022 meeting minutes
a. Hal motioned to accept the minutes as written.
b. Jim seconded.
c. All in favor.
3. Form A Application for Maria A. Cagenello. Submitted by Foresight Land Service
a. Hal motioned to accept.
b. Jim seconded.
c. All in favor.
4. Planning Board Clerk Hiring Update
Jen and Rona discussed the need to expand the search for a new secretary. Rona will write up the
Job description and Jen will email the notice to the Otis Observer, the Berkshire Eagle, the
Shopper’s Guide, and post it on the Otis Town website. The Select Board sets the salary.
5. Grant Updates
Hal: a. Complete Streets: Brandi must enter the projects into TIC portal at Selectmen’s office.
b. HMP/MVP: Public meeting on Zoom Feb.9 about town hazards. A 158 page draft of the
“Town of Otis Hazard Mitigation and Climate Adaptation Plan” was posted
on the town’s website, and open to public comment until March 2.
Comments to be sent to the Town of Otis consultant, Lauren Gaherty
[email protected].
6. Town-Owned Historical Building
There was discussion about whether the Planning Board should take an official position on
supporting the renovation of St.Paul’s Church. It was decided those who wanted could send in a
personal support letter.
7. Other New Business Not Anticipated
8. Topics for next meeting: Telecom, STR bylaw, search for new Planning Board Secretary.
9. Meeting Adjourned at 8:12 PM
a. Hal motioned to adjourn.
b. Jen seconded.
c. All in favor. Meeting adjourned.
Planning Board Meeting Minutes 02/14/2022
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