Library Meeting Minutes 04/11/2024

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Otis Library Trustees Meeting 04/11/2024

Meeting called to order 6:00pm
In attendance: Brad Havill, Sue Brofman. Tom Burke, Donna Rich, Carol Reife, Diane Dyer, guest Rosy Crittendon, on Zoom: Jim Adams
Absent: Susan Ebitz, Gloria Mamokhin, and Celeste Watman

(Minutes taken by Rosy since Sue E is absent)

Minutes of March meeting read and approved.

Treasurer report:
Tom noted a steep increase in payroll costs for March, but he asked to defer so he could compare more numbers from the past 2 years. Brad did mention that last year during March Kathy Bort was already gone and Lois and Kerry were the only ones working since Brad had not been hired yet so that would account for the difference.
Donations were not as much this year, but fluctuations are expected.
$195,000 in the bank including CDs.
Report approved

Director’s report:
-Daily attendance down slightly.
-Still 3D printing
-Book Club next Thursday (April 18)
-Cookbook club next Friday (April 19)…have been well attended, plenty of food, stop in for a taste even if not cooking! Always plenty.
-Museum passes: Renewals still coming in, and they are being used actively
-Story Walk is back up.
-Story Hour begins April 24…library will shift opening time to 9 am to accommodate and stay open til 5…payroll will not change as Brad will open early and leave earlier. Lois will stay till 5.
-Barry Moser coming the end of May…Illustrator and artist…Eve Kummel will be hanging his artwork in the library ahead of his program.-
-Laurie Forman will be hanging her art after Barry/Eve … date TBD
-Someone from FRRSD approached Brad about collaborating on a Story walk for Literacy night in May
more information coming later
-Craft Fair…. 9 vendors signed so far, still early in planning.
-Friends Book sale April 20 …. thank you to Rosy
And many thanks for the Otis Ridge for their generosity in allowing us to use the lodge, opening the canteen with 50% of sales to go to Friends, and other accommodations.
Discussed ways to thank them, possibly with a nice plaque to hang in the lodge.
-Constant Contact now available to send email blasts to library patrons…currently about 790 on list.
Library gets 50% off cost
Motion accepted and approved.

Sue B. discussed the Small Population Grant , building committee meeting on Tuesday was deemed very productive.
Brad and Sue met about narrative and bullet points that are needed.
Discussion of FAQ sheet for annual meeting in May
2 Questions/warrants
1) Why Vote in favor to approve Grant application
2) Why vote in favor of $150,000
Warrants are on the website.
Questions will be answered at the annual town meeting on May 21, putting too many facts out there before could cause more confusion.
Need to focus on one step at a time.

Site location needs to be voted on to determine which of the two sites ( Crandall lot or 100 Acre) should be first. Deferred until next meeting as several members not present.
Grant app does require why each choice was made.
Master plan for town does support Crandall site as it has acreage for a library as well as other development.

Library Fair:
-Celeste and Sue E were not present to discuss raffle …update next month
-Diane : Bake sale… no update but requested email blast sent out requesting baked goods
-Sue B> food concessions, no update
-Book Sale: Rosy .once we are through the Friends book sale next week, we will sort through to discard books that probably will not sell… Brad suggested contacting Baystate books or similar, they recycle or resell books. We will then plan to routinely sort and organize donations that come in between now and July so we will be set for the fair. Greg Dyer will provide a flatbed trailer again to use at Fair.
-Carol agreed to oversee directing vendors to their locations
-Jim and Robert in charge of parking

Director evaluations turned into Sue B
May AGENDA suggestions
-Vote regarding new library sites
-Book sale update/report
-Craft Fair updates

Sue B. announced that she has put her name on ballot for Selectperson
Also announced that Sue E would be stepping down from the board in July after 20 years to focus on Story time.

Motion to adjourn/accepted 6:45 pm