Otis Library Museum Meeting – Minutes
Thursday, March 12, 2020 -6:00 PM
Members present -Celeste Watman, Diane Dyer, Donna Rich, Jane Feldman, Kathy Bort, Lois Hall, Sue Brofman, Jim Adams and Susan Ebitz
Guest: John Charrow
Chair Diane Dyer called the meeting to order at 6:06.
A motion was made to adjust the agenda order so that John Charrow did not have to wait while the board completed the rest of its business. Now that the library is getting technology from the town, John Charrow wanted clarification concerning his role at the library. Diane thanked John for all he done saying that “we’ve been very happy with your services” and we appreciate that you are still willing to provide computer services to our patrons. John suggested that he would continue to provide two “computer help” sessions on the first Thursday and third Saturday of each month. He would also be available to provide quarterly computer instructional workshops lasting 2.5 hours each. Kathy’s request for administrative support for two to four hours a month was also suggested. The board thanked John for attending the meeting and said that they would discuss the proposed patron services l in executive session at the conclusion of the regularly scheduled meeting.
The January Minutes were unanimously approved. The February minutes will need to be approved at the March meeting as the February 2019 minutes were inadvertently sent to the board.
In giving the treasurer’s report, Sue shared that a revised budget has been resubmitted to the town and that we are waiting to hear back about our FY21 budget. Celeste made a motion, seconded by Donna to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
Director’s Report: submitted by Kathleen Bort
- circulation remains the same (80 – 90)
- The Lego Club has been canceled due to concerns over the coronavirus.
- Books that will be offered for sale have been placed on the back porch.
- Lois is working hard to catalogue the CD’s donated so far.
Boston Bruins PJ Drive:
- The Pajama Drive is for children aged two through 16 ends March 19th. This year we collected 70 pairs. We appreciate the generosity of our giving community.
- ROOSEVELT CHAIRS. Two chairs have been returned and they are very comfortable with both their castors working.
- Kathy shared that the Internet connection on the town’s portal would be done on Monday. The wireless computers are online and the remaining computers
- CWMARS needs to be notified by 5/15/20 about the identification of our web client.
- Kathy reported that the wireless worked well, and that John Shannon and Larry Gould fixed the printer program.
Census training: Kathy and Lois will attend a meeting on March 31st.
- A food for fines drive will be held in March
- The library is in compliance and adhering to all recommendations received from the town administrator concerning keeping surfaces free from germs due to the coronavirus.
Sue made a motion to accept the director’s report. James seconded.
Celeste made a motion, that was seconded by Donna, to move CWMARS to the town web client and remove the existing line connection. Six trustees were in favor with one-member abstaining. The motion passed.
Unfinished Business:
FY21 Budget:
- The revised budget was unanimously passed with Susan making the motion that was seconded by Sue.
- Donna (fair co-chair) reported that the town has given us permission to hold the library fair on the town green on July 11th from 9:00 until 3:00. The kitchen has already been reserved.
- Food – Tony has offered to do the food this year featuring three different kinds of lasagna, eggplant rollatini and fettuccine cups for kids. This food will be available for take out as well. Diane will chair this committee with help from Sue.
- Kathy will check with Sandy & Sandy about entertainment
- Lois and Kathy will get the vendor letter out.
- Jane will chair the bake table
- Susan will chair the children’s activities and coordinate with the church and Rec Center
- There was much discussion about printing raffle tickets and selling them ahead of time as well as the day of the raffle. Ideas for “grand prize” items included individual offerings and items such as Jacob Pillow tickets. Celeste will chair this committee with James helping. Everyone will solicit donations and sell tickets
- Publicity – everyone will help with distribution of flyers advertising the fair.
New Business:
Potential Fund raisers:
- Sue made the suggestion that we consider holding a 5K road race in October entitled “Otis on the Run.” If 100 people participated by walking or running, we could make some money for the library.
The motion to adjourn the regular meeting was made by Susan and seconded by Sue at 8:00 PM.
The motion to convene executive session was made by Susan and seconded by Sue at 8:02 PM.
The motion to adjourn executive session was made by Susan and seconded by Diane at 8:14 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary
Next Meeting: April 9, 2020 – agenda items due: 4/6/20
Future Meetings: May 14, 2020 – agenda items due: 5/11/20 and June 11, 2020 – agenda items due: 6/8/20