Library Meeting Minutes 02/09/2023

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Otis Library Minutes

February 9, 2023, 6:00 PM


Members present:   Sue Brofman, chair, Jim Adams, Tom Burke, Diane Dyer, Susan Ebitz, Lois Hall, Gloria Mamokhin, Carol Reif, Donna Rich, and Celeste Watman,

Sue Brofman called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM.

Approval of Minutes:  A motion was made to approve the January Minutes was made, seconded, and unanimously approved.

Treasurer’s reports: Susan E. made a motion., seconded by Diane to accept the January’s Treasurer’s Report. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.

Interim Director’s Report:

Attendance: Lois reported that attendance is gradually increasing, 15 – 20 people. The OPT “Notice Otis” series has requested use of the  Roosevelt Room at the library on Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00 PM to listen to renowned author Carol Deihl deliver an author talk based on her book  about the street artist Banksy. Tom will assist with tech. Angela Duborg of the Otis Gazette said that she would give the library a free ad space in the Otis Gazette that will be published on May 5th. Lois announced the annual “Pajama Drive” will welcome the donation of pajamas size 12 months to women/men’s large for foster children in Berkshire County MA. The Boston Bruins have partnered with MA libraries and the Otis Library has consistently donated more than surrounding libraries. Last year, sixty-four pairs were donated. Donations of “PJ’s will be accepted until March 15th. Kerry is starting up the monthly Lego Club again! She will be running the program after her regular Saturday shift on February 11th, March 11th, April 8th, and May 13th from 1:00 – 2:00 PM.

Old/Ongoing Business:

  • FYI StoryWalk – “My Dream of Martin Luther King” by Faith Ringgold
  • Hiring Subcommittee Report: Susan, Carol, and Donna summarized the various tasks undertaken and completed by the sub-committee: Prior work to determine hours and salary for the job posting, (see below) a cover letter for the application process, description and “breakdown” of the Director’s responsibilities and a narrative description of the Town of Otis. Gloria then overviewed the cost of various ads and asked the full board how to proceed. Gloria’s reported the Shopper’s Guide Advertisement was $194 a week. Susan B. made a motion that was seconded by Donna to allocate the funds needed to place the job posting in the Shopper’s Guide on four consecutive Wednesdays: February 8th, 22nd, March 1st, and March 8th. It passed unanimously. Due to the higher cost. ($252 for a one-day ad) Susan B. then made a motion, seconded by Tom, to consider placing an ad in the Berkshire Eagle in a couple of weeks if we did not receive requests to place our ad. The motion was unanimously approved.
  • Small Library Grant: Several members of the Board and both Brandi and Terry attended the Informational Webinar presented by MBLC to fund library construction projects for communities with populations under 2500. Susan B. reported a “letter of intent” was due April 28, 2023, and that this current grant round would most likely fund three or four libraries of are size at 70% rate. The sub-committee (Sussan B. Diane, Donna and Tom) will continue to meet with both town and State Senator Paul Mark.
  • Friends of the Otis Library: Diane reported that the Cultural Council was not able to fund the “start-up” $1000 to cover the set-up of the Friends of the Otis Library 501c3 group to support the library. The next meeting is scheduled for February 15th at 6:30 in the Roosevelt Room
  • Libraries Transforming Communities: Carol met with Diane and Susan E. to discuss the feasibility of applying for the LTC grant to improve or initiate library services to underserved populations. The first round of applications is due February 28th. There will be two additional rounds for this funding. The sub-committee recommended tabling applying for this grant.
  • Five Year Strategic Plan: Susan E. reported that the sub-group is looking over resources from MBLC, Revising the existing Mission Statement, Survey of Patrons and Five-Year Plan.
  • FYI: Legislative Breakfast on January 27, at Simon’s Rock: Susan B. reported that she and Diane attended and were very impressed with the professionalism and net-working opportunities.
  • Celeste will write the article for OO this month.

New Business:

  • Bylaws: Susan B. presented the old and new Bylaws for the Otis Library. The motion to approve them was tabled until next month in response to questions raised by Celeste and Susan E.
  • Kitchen Renovation: Sue B. reported that her husband Tony is willing to donate labor to modernize the kitchen. He is asking for $2500 for materials. Susan E. shared that Kerry had made a suggestion to purchase a counter-size dishwasher so that materials such as Legos could be sanitized. A motion was made by Celeste, seconded by Donna, to approve $3000 for kitchen renovations. The motion passed unanimously. The Board is grateful to Tony for volunteering to do this work.
  • Trustee Stuff: Lois will make up three additional keys to the library. Diane already has a key. The keys will go to Susan B., Tom B. with the remaining key to remain at the library. Lois will write up the directions for using the alarm.
  • Fair: The annual Otis Library Fair will be held on Saturday, July 8th from 10:00 – 3:00 on the Town Green. Susan E. will get the event on the Town Calendar.


A motion to adjourn was made by Tom, seconded by Donna. It passed unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 7:30 PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary

Next Meeting: March 9, 2023

Future Meetings: April 13, May 11, June 8, 2023


Library Director: Winter/Summer Hours

The Trustees of the Otis Library seek applicants for a Library Director position. The position pays $21 to $25 per hour commensurate with experience. Winter: approximately 19 hours weekly, Summer: approximately 27 hours weekly. Start Date: May 15, 2023

Application packet available by emailing [email protected] or for pick-up at the Otis Library at 48 North Main Road, Otis, MA, (413) 269-0109.

Application deadline is March 15, 2023. The Otis Library Board of Trustees is an equal opportunity employer.