Otis Library & Museum Annual Meeting Minutes
May 12, 2016
Roosevelt Room
- Meeting was called to order at 6:35 with Diane Dyer assuming the chairperson’s role. Vicki Ernst resigned from the board. Members present included Walter, Diane , Jane, Eve, Steve and Susan
- Minutes from the April 14, 2016 meeting were accepted
- Director’s Report: was given in print
- Circulation up – more delivery
- Suggested that book donations not be accepted – The board suggested this was not necessary. Steve said he would help with books.
- Programs: Riverbrook art display and sale was a huge success. Twenty-four people attended and bought fourteen paintings. Kerry did a great job of hosting for the library. Next exhibit will be Alice Gage. Well received
- Responses to the technology survey are low – only 4 returns
- Chairs have been returned reupholstered. A suggestion was made to solicit the Rockefeller Foundation for a donation.
- Emails sent to all previous vendors for the fair
- Summer hours begin May 31, two people on all the time beginning July1,
Treasurer’s Report: Walter noted that:
- $ 131,868 end of April
- CD come due, it will rolled over
- The town has adopted a social media policy. Members of the board took copies and reviewed and renewed their responsibilities to the town.
New Business:
- Steve talked about the fair. Saturday, July 9th at Town Hall, Jane will help to greet the vendors, Eve explained the job, Jane offered to pass out vendor applications at other fairs, Steve will get the food, Titus and Jane’s husband will cook. Twelve vendors so far. Diane made flyers and a rhymed sign to advertise. Susan will look into getting donations from Price Chopper and Big Y. Inventory needs to be done in the kitchen.
- campaign letter is close to being sent
- Five Year Plan – Eve and Susan reported that they met and have reviewed information that Kathy shared. They would like more members to join – especially young people.
- Diane brought up the books being distracting in front of the library. Steve said he continues to process the books.
- Marilee Higgins, may be interested in being on our board. She will be invited to our next meeting.
- Jobs at the library: Steve does press releases, Eve is comfortable proof-reading
Next meeting is June 12, 2016 at 6:30.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary