Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 08/06/2024

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Minutes of the Otis Historical Commission (OHC)

August 6, 2024
The meeting began at 4:36 pm. Stephanie Skinner, Tricia Smith, Hal Kobrin, Gail Gelburd, Peter Cameron, Joel Myers, Diane Provenz, Celeste Watman, and Melva Eidelberg attended the meeting.
The minutes of the July 2, 2024 meeting were approved unanimously.
New Alternate:
Peter Cameron, the new alternate is working on a list of historical houses in Otis that are eligible to be placed on the National Register. He stated that there are 5 criteria in order to be listed in the National Historic Register. They include that the property was associated with important events, and or an important person. The quality of architecture, materials, and workmanship of the structure, and factors such as religious graves, moved property, and commemorative property. Also required is a review of the property by an architect, and pictures of the property.
Peter mentioned that many properties that are in MACRIS will not qualify for the National Historic Register listings. Currently, Peter thinks that the following Otis properties qualify: Gail Gelburd’s house, the Jackson house, Stephanie Skinner’s house, the Larkin house, the Richard Lee house, the gate keeper’s house at Otis Reservoir, the Gibbs house, Davidson farm, and Norton Cemetery.
There was also a discussion about OHC creating a plaque to be placed on the property of the historic property.
Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s:
An article written by Diane Provenz about the transfer of land from James Sienna to the town was published in the August issue of the Otis Observer.
Construction Update:
Joel showed us a picture of the land behind the Otis Cultural Center at Historic St Paul’s. Previously, it was hilly but now it is almost level. It is anticipated that this area will be used for a meditation garden.
Joel also showed us another photograph of the newly completed basement with its new foundation, and steel support beams. Underneath the foundation, a pipe will provide drainage.
The extermination of the powder post beetles is now complete. There is also a new 100 amp electrical box.
A discussion followed about purchasing a lightening rod to be installed on the roof. It was stated that the electrical system in the church is probably grounded so that a lightening rod might be unnecessary,
Currently, there is $89,000 remaining from the Massachusetts Cultural Council grant which can be used for the tower on the roof.
East Otis School house:
Joel met with Paul Holtz at the East Otis school house to look at the building. The next phase of this project is to replace the old, existing tin roof.
We need another $30,000 from the Town to continue the work on the school house.
Knox Trail:
Tom Ragusa is still working on seeking recognition for the Knox Trail.
With the exception of adding 3 names to the credits, the video of the Knox Trail is complete.
A motion was approved unanimously to pay Josh, the director of the Knox Trail video his fee of $2,500.
Community Activities:
The LeBeau lawsuit was adjourned until the end of August. We have not yet received the inventory and appraisal of the OHC collection from Mr. LeBeau.
Notice Otis events:
Hilary is currently working on future programs.
Hal reported that there is no news about the chandelier.
Funding Activities:
Otis Preservation Trust (OPT) report:
Tricia reported that as of July 31, the balance for OPT was $77,852. She is waiting to add more checks to the account.
Date to move school desks:
Possible dates to relocate the desks from Melva’s house are August 22, or 23, 2024. The desks will then be stored in a warehouse located near the L & M business.
Update on Grant Submissions:
We still need a match of an additional $30,000 from the Town of Otis.
The National Parks/Smithsonian grant application will be due in the Fall.
Erica, an intern will research ADA grants which can be used to make the Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s accessible to handicapped people. We need to establish a budget for this project.
New Business:
The next meeting will be held on September 10, 2024 at 4:30 pm.
This meeting adjourned at 5:58 pm.