Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 06/04/2024

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Otis Historical Commission
June 4, 2024

ATTENDANCE: Diane Provenz, Gail Gelburd, Hal Kobrin, Joel Myers, Celeste Watman. The meeting began at 11:05 AM.
MINUTES: The minutes of May 7, 2024 were approved with a correction.
Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s: The transfer of the Sienna property is completed. Diane will write an announcement about this for the Otis Observer.
The contractor, Larochelle is removing additional earth from underneath the building because more space is needed for the HVAC and electrical systems.
We will ask the contractor to remove the 2 big trees that were taken down.
There was a discussion about finding and hiring a landscape designer who can plan an ADA compliant garden and landscape. Diane volunteered to look for a qualified company.
East Otis School House: Joel will find out if the school house is now attached to the foundation. We need to know if this is finished because of the requirements of the MPPF grant.
Paul Holtz will be sent the certification of the Town vote approving their matching contribution of $100,000 for the school house project. The match is required by the MPPF grant that was awarded for the school house restoration.
Knox Trail: Mile markers are needed for the Trail, and Tom Ragusa will coordinate this. It was suggested using stone markers that are in the ground. Gail mentioned that printed ribbons tied around trees should also be used to identify the Trail.
The video about the Knox Trail is in the final stages of editing.
Archives and Museum: The Town has the paperwork to pay Mr. LeBeau who inventoried and appraised the Museum collection.
The print of the East Otis school house is at the framers. Before it is framed, there was a discussion about having copies made so that we can sell them. Diane agreed to oversee the cost of printing copies before framing the original one.
Notice Otis: No report. It was mentioned that OPT needs to raise additional funds for future, matching grants to be used for the Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s, and the East Otis school house.
Funding Activities: There was no report from the Otis Preservation Trust.
For the July meeting, Diane will present a budget report.

Diane stated that OHC has a Capital Account with the Town, and it has approximately $3,500 in it.
Update on Grant Submissions: In the Fall, we will apply for the Fitzpatrick and the National Parks Service grants.
NEW BUSINESS: Diane mentioned about contacting 3 people as possible volunteers She will also speak to Peter Cameron about becoming an alternate on the OHC Board, and working with residents who live in historic houses.
Although the Planning Board approved of the Complete Streets grant project, the Select Board did not agree to it. The grant would have made funds available for crosswalks, in addition to providing funds for OHC projects.
The next meeting will be held on July 2, 2024, at 4:30 PM.
This meeting adjourned at 11:47 AM.