Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 05/07/2024

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Otis Historical Commission

May 7, 2024 Minutes


ATTENDANCE:  Gail Gelburd, Joel Myers, Diane Provenz, Hal Kobrin, Celeste Watman.

MINUTES:  The minutes of April 9, 2024 were approved.


Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s: The final approval of the land transfer is contingent upon the signed documents.  Work will begin on the HVAC system. Joel will take photographs of the work.

Behind the building, the land will be graded for a future meditation garden.  We need to find a         landscaper who will design an ADA compliant space for the garden, and parking.

Construction Update:  The contractor, Larochelle was reminded about the construction deadlines.  They began work on the East Otis Schoolhouse.

Knox Trail:  No report.


Archives and Museum:  David LeBeau, the appraiser inquired about the status of his bill.  It was explained to him that we need a tax form from him before he is paid.  Diane will contact him about submitting the form.  We are waiting for his inventory and appraisal reports.

Notice Otis:  An in- person lecture will be presented at Town Hall, on May 16.  The lecture focuses on the book, The Industrial History of Berkshire County.

Update from Hal:  A draft agreement was sent to the Executive Committee of the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts for their approval.  The document stated that the organ will be given back to the Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s.  We need to provide 3 to 4 months notice for the return of the organ.

OPT Report:  The OPT balance is $85,286.00, after Jason’s work on the website.


OPT will apply in the Fall for the Fitzpatrick grant. We will apply in the Fall for the National Parks Service/Paul Bruen grant.


A motion was made to approve the amount of up to $1,000 to purchase supplies for the OHC Museum.

It was agreed that OHC will join the Non-Profit Center of the Berkshires at a cost of $150.00 per year.

It was approved that OHC will subscribe to the “Chronicle of Philanthropy,” at an annual cost of $175.00.

There was a discussion about where to store the school desks.  Diane agreed to contact storage facilities, and the Board authorized payments of up to $100.00 per month.

The next OHC meeting will be on June 4, 2024 at 4:30 PM.

The meeting adjourned at 5:16 PM.