Finance Board/ Selectboard Budget Meeting Minutes 03/27/2019

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Town of Otis

Finance Board/Selectboard Budget Meeting

March 27, 2019


Present:           Don Hawley, Gary Thomas, Terry Gould, Michael Ernst, Walt Engels via cell phone (remote participation), Lisa D’Orazio


Also Present:  Jim Crandall, Larry Gould


Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm and is being recorded.

Purpose:          Review Budget proposals for Fiscal Year 2020


Heat Pumps for Buildings:  Jim needs additional money for the line sets and electrical supplies.  He has an initial estimate of $5,530 to do this.  Since there is so much money left in the Maintenance Labor line from the FY’19 Ice and Snow Labor budget, he would like to transfer $7000 to cover the above estimate and any other costs to complete the job.  There is grant money to recover these costs.  This money would be transferred to the FY’19 Town Hall Contingency line item and the invoices will be paid from there.


Pg   1  #122  Board of Selectmen:  Don Hawley would like to keep the Selectmen’s Secretary position and Gary agreed.  Walter noted that coverage in the office is important.  Don and Gary also agreed to keep $25,000 in that line item and PASSED the budget at $40,365.00.  They asked that Becky post the position on Monday.  Don commended Becky on her work to present alternatives, but ultimately Don and Gary agreed the office should be covered and three positions work for that.


Pg   3 #123  Town Administrator:  Because of the decision above, the Administrative Assistant will keep the same duties as at present. This position will get a 4% increase and the line item will be budgeted at $45,145.11.  $70,000 will be used as the place holder for the Town Administrator.  With these two figures, this budget is PASSED at $116,385.11.


Pg 60 #630  Recreation:  This budget was previously reviewed but was never finalized.  PASSED as it currently stands at $76,520.80.



Accounts still needing approval:


Pg 26  #210  Police:  SKIPPED – waiting for clarification on Training.

Pg 58  #610  Library:  SKIPPED – need clarification on Technology line item.


The remaining discussion for the Police Dept. is tasers for $5123.91 for first year and $3825 for years two through five.  And updated police training will cost $6713.  We are still trying to determine if Technology can cover the Library computers or not.  Becky was asked to have the budgets recalculated for review by the Finance Board and Select Board for Monday for review and determination on Wednesday.  Lisa will post another budget meeting for Wednesday April 3, 2019 at 5:30 pm.


Don discussed his brainstorm idea for Capital Expenses.  He feels we do not need another note right now, and the roads aren’t bad enough that they can’t wait another year.  We need the new grader at $390,000 and if we finance it we don’t have to pay on it until next year; Tyringham Road at $290,000 but we have $240,000 in Chapter 90 money, so there’s another $40,000; if we pay off the loader, the last two payments for the Fire Truck, and the backhoe this year, then we only need to pay for the new grader next year.  That means we may be able to afford to pave the rest of the roads next year if we decide to take out a note for that project.  It is something for everyone to think about for the next meeting.



Meeting adjourned at 6:35 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa D’Orazio

Selectmen’s Secretary

Town of Otis


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