Emergency Meeting Minutes April 11, 2024

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Emergency Meeting Minutes
April 11, 2024
Otis Town Hall

Attendance: Brittany Phair, Richard Phair, Brandi Page, Tammy Weidhass, Lyn OBrien, Matt Clark, Eric Kreis, Larry Gould

Meeting called to order at 9 am.

The minutes from 12/12/23 were approved.

Discussed where hazardous materials are located and how they are labeled. Need to order hazardous materials stickers and oxygen stickers.

The highway garage and maintenance garage need generators. Larry is going to look into generators. For now, the priority will be to wire the buildings and the fire department has a generator that can be used.

Repeaters were discussed for the highway and police departments. The newly installed cell towers have capabilities to install repeaters and the group would like to add them for police, highway, and fire. Lyn discussed the radio capabilities in the selectmen’s office if cell towers went down in an ice storm. Cell towers now have generators, which they didn’t in 2008.

Went over a contact list for emergency personnel.

The wind turbine was discussed and the process of shutting it down in an emergency. Larry and the fire department will work together to have a training at the wind turbine.

Discussed computer back up for town hall, maintenance, and highway.

Next meeting toward the end of summer.

The meeting adjourned at 9:30.

Lyn OBrien

Meeting adjourned 9:30

Submitted by,
Lyn OBrien