Draft of Select Board Emergency Meeting Minutes 03/14/2020

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Emergency Department Head Meeting

Saturday March 14, 2020 at 1:00pm


Due to the National Emergency with the COVID19 virus to strategize and share information.


Present were: Gary Thomas, Bill Hiller, Larry Southard, Brandi Page, Dan Hamill, Chris Bouchard, Jim Wilusz, Jim Ebitz, Jim Crandall, Larry Gould, Tom Nadolny, Lyn O’Brien, Margaret McLellan, Keith O’Neil, Russ Loring and Patricia Richard by phone.

Called to order at 1:00pm.


Topics Covered

  1. Flow of Information as updates are known and confirmed
  2. Health Agent/and or Nurse Agency>Town Administrator> Health Emergency Contacts (which include Police, Fire, Rescue, Health Agent & Selectmen).
  3. Subsequent phase of information would include Maintenance, Buildings, School, Highway, Safety, Waste Water, Library, Recreation, COA and Administrative Departments within Town Hall including the website if applicable.
  4. Holding all meetings at Town Hall in one designated space vs. different rooms around the building. This was designated as the gymnasium to allow for maximum space between participants.
  5. The Town is exploring logistics for remotely attended meetings in the future if needed.
  6. The deadline for Transfer Station Stickers and Dog Licenses has been pushed back to May 1st. This gives residents the flexibility to wait on some of these town items.
  7. Setting up a Resource List for needs that may arise as families and individuals limit their travel and schools are closed.
  8. Clarification on the way virus cases are handled from the Department of Public Health down to the Town and individual level.
  9. Update of the most recent State directives and phone/internet links.
  10. Looking at what’s in place for Emergency Management Protocol and how to execute these protocols forward efficiently specific to this pandemic. Including updates of information and contacts.
  11. Moving forward in the future, possibly a shared service, with a Nurse and or agency to meet the health needs of Otis as our current coverage ends June 30th.


Closed 2:45 pm.

Brandi Page

Town Administrator