Otis Rescue Squad

Contact: Bryan Arnold
Address: 15 South Main Road, PO Box 145, Otis, MA 01253
Phone: (non-emergency)413-269-4409  or 413-269-0100 Ext. 119
Emergency: For EMERGENCY, dial 911
Email: [email protected]
Hours: Weekdays, 8:00am – 4:00pm (business office)
Additional LinksStaff
Brittany Phair
Bryan ArnoldPresident
Daniel Kimberley
Devon Drewinany
Elaine ArnoldTreasurer
Jacklyn O'Brien
Jacob Crittendon
James Ebitz
Jessica Giarolo
Kendra Cawthron
Laura Harner
Leo Robillard
Lydia Touchette
Max KoivistoEMS Captain
Melinda Hodgkins
Nickolas Chambers
Richard Phair
Vice President
Sarah Forsaith

The Otis Rescue Squad is staffed by two paid employees Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m.; at all other times, we rely on our volunteers who are on-call via pagers and portable radios.  We participate in a system called “Mutual Aid.”  Should we be out of town transporting a patient to a hospital and a second emergency arises, or if two emergencies occur at the same time, the closest available ambulance from an adjoining town will be called.  Likewise, if multiple emergencies occur at the same time in a local town, or not enough crew respond, Otis Rescue squad may be called to assist.  By this system, we can ensure all emergency calls receive a timely response.

Homeowners are reminded that they should display their house numbers clearly with reflective signs where they can be seen from the street.  This is important for response time.  Signs may either be purchased