Cultural Council Meeting Minutes 09/15/2021

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Otis Cultural Council

September 15, 2021 at 6:00 P.M.

Meeting held virtually on Zoom

  1. Call to order: 6:00P.M.  Meeting was recorded.  Present:  Jeanne Randorf, Carole Burke, Deb Fogel, Carol Lombardo, Arlene Tolopko, Shanon Albee, Maggie Bragagnolo
  2. Approval of the minutes of August 18, 2021. Carol Lombardo motioned to approve the minutes.  Minutes were approved.

III.  Chair Report (Jeanne):

  1. Carole Burke was approved as Secretary
  2. Updated webpage text and article for Otis Observer: Jeanne sent an article to Linda Rocke.  She will cc Arlene on all future articles.
  3. Software Changes for Grant Applications: Jeanne has been viewing webinars to learn how to use the new software.  Each council member will have to use their own email and create their own password.
  4. Financial Update (Shanon): Shanon reported that the town accountant said that the cultural council did not have any expenditures for the last fiscal year.  Shanon will make copies and send them to her to clarify the expenditures.

Shanon reported that the cultural council received $4,800 from the state on March 31.  Financial reporting must be closed on October 31.

  1. Grants
  2. Cancelled Events:
  3. Jeanne received a letter from Beth Skinner. She wants to postpone until next summer until the performer has recovered from her illness.
  4. Rona Leventhal: Her event on literacy was supposed to happen the day before Farmington River Elementary School shut down for COVID.  She would like to postpone until she can perform in the school.  The Massachusetts Cultural Council (MCC) said it was up to us to allow her to postpone.  Carol Lombardo made a motion to approve postponement, all members approved.
  5. Dana Pustinger: The council has not heard from her about the anti-bullying event.
  6. Rights of Passage: Jeanne sent a reimbursement form so Pooja Prema can apply for payment.
  7. 2022 Grant Application Procedure:

There is a new system for applying for grants.  Grants must be submitted by 11:59 P.M. on October 15, 2021.  All applications must be submitted online.  There is a webinar on how to apply.  Jeanne will put the link to the webinar and to the application site on the Cultural Council page at the Town of Otis website.

  1. Recycling Program (Deb): Volunteers are continuing to sort bottles and cans.  Jeanne did not receive a check from the school.  Carol Lombardo will call the school and inquire about the check ($2,875).  Carol will also contact Town Hall about the electronic sign (to be used to inform the community about Otis events), and whether there is electricity down to the street.

VII.  Meetings for remainder of 2021:  Wednesday, October 27, 2021 on Zoom (exception to 3rd Wednesday).  *Note- this date was later changed to Nov 18 at 6 pm

Meeting adjourned at 7:10 P.M.

Minutes submitted by Carole Burke