Cultural Council Meeting Minutes 07/18/2018


Otis Cultural Council


July 18,2018 at 6:00 pm

Otis Town Hall, Conference Room


Present: Jeanne Randorf, Arlene Tolopko, Ilisa Sulner, Deb

Fogel, and Vicki Ernst


  1. Call to Order 6:08 pm
  2. Approval of Minutes of June 20, 2018:

Arlene Tolopko, Deb Fogel

lll.       Reports


  • Financial report is accepted as written. Check from recycling project is due.
  • Jeanne Randorf has been nominated and unanimously elected as Chairperson of the Otis Cultural Council.
    • Seven school children’s Photography works are being exhibited at the Otis Library and Museum.
  1. Programs
  • Arlene Tolopko went over the program flyer distribution list and added and deleted places that were good for advertising our events. Arlene also went over which members are to be covering what areas for flyer distribution.
  • Library Events
    • Ed the Wizard – Jeanne will ask Kathy Bort for feedback.
    • Campfire/Singalong – Jeanne will ask Kathy Bort for feedback.
    • Square Dance – August 18th – flyers to go up
    • Arts Festival – September 1st– 26 vendors, music, food
  1. Other Business

Vl.       Next meeting: August 15th      6:00 pm at Town Hall

No meeting in September,  meeting October 31, and November 14


Minutes submitted by Vicki Ernst