Cultural Council Meeting Minutes 04/17/2019

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Otis Cultural Council


April 17, 2019 @ 6:00 pm

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

Present:  Jeanne Randorf, Shanon Albee, Deb Fogel, Carol Lombardo, Arlene Tolopko, and Vicki Ernst.

  1. Call to Order: 6:10 pm
  2. Approval of the Minutes of March 20, 2019: N/A

lll.         Reports:

  1. Financial: N/A
  2. Chair: Jeanne Randorf
  3. Jeanne Randorf asked if anyone was interested in going to meet with the MCC representative who will be in Otis May 9th. Arlene Tolopko and Jeanne Randorf volunteered to meet with the rep.
  4. OCC received many Thank You notes from recipients of grants from FY 2018.
  5. Spring/Summer Activities:
    1. Thank you to Bob McMahon for fixing and getting the sandwich boards ready for signage to advertise the OCC programs.
    2. Tag Sale: May 25th, at the Otis Ski Ridge parking lot. Jamie has been asked and has agreed to let the OCC use the parking field for this event. Volunteers are needed to help out. Advertising will be in all the local and regional papers.
    3. Thanks a Bunch Lunch: after discussion, a motion was made to eliminate the luncheon, and accepted to send a Thank You note with a gift card, for $15.00 to the Otis Ridge Flower Shop, to those people who so graciously plant the flower barrels located through the Town of Otis.
    4. Sup & Swing/Community Event: June 22nd, 7:00 PM at the Gazebo behind Town Hall.
    5. Arts Festival: August 3rd, from 9-2 PM. at FREES. There is a call-out to vendors.
    6. Robin O’Herin Tap & Blues: August 11th. Venue is not set yet. If it rains, event will be moved to the Town Hall gym.
    7. Events still under consideration:
      1. Beth Skinner
      2. Cliff Brodeur: square dancing will be held on August 17th
    8. Two of the OCC flower barrels need replacing at this time.

Jeanne will contact Jim Crandall for replacement.


  1. Next meeting:  May 15th, 2019 @ 6:00 PM



Minutes submitted by Vicki Ernst