Community Outreach Meeting Minutes 03/30/2019

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Town of Otis

Community Outreach Meeting Minutes

March 30, 2019


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order after 2:15 pm in the Town Hall gymnasium by Turning Leaf Centers Otis, LLC.  A quorum of Selectmen were present.


Present:           Principals of Turning Leaf Centers Otis, LLC,  Selectman Gary Thomas, Selectman Bill Hiller, Town Moderator Blake Middleton, and a large representation of the town’s population



Both Select Board members were in attendance to see what Turning Leaf had to present to the town.  The agenda was posted to cover the Select Board under Mass. General Open Meeting Laws.  The meeting was opened and conducted by Turning Leaf, with the Selectmen appointing Blake Middleton to moderate the discussion.


Adjournment:  After 4:00 pm Turning Point adjourned the Community Outreach meeting.


Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa D’Orazio

Selectmen’s Secretary, Town of Otis



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