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Board of Assessors Meeting
Town of Otis
- Meeting Called: 11:40A
- Meeting Adjourned: 11:55A
- Attendees:
- Russell Loring
- Kathleen
- Michael Thiemann
- Christopher Cozzaglio
- Approve/deny Minutes from July 7, 2021:
- Kathleen motions to accept the minutes, Russell Seconds.
- Motion Passes 2-0-0
- Old Business
- New Business
- Introduce New Assistant Assessor
- Review and Sign Motor Vehicle Excise Abatements as presented:
- Kathleen moves to accept the MV Abatements, Russell Seconds.
- Motion Passes 2-0-0
- Next meeting? – Sept 15, Oct 13, Nov 17
- Kathleen moves to accept the MV Abatements, Russell Seconds.
- Open Forum
- Diane Dyers- potential to build new public library potentially for less money. A Flyer was left and will be attached at the end of the minutes.
- What are they going to do with the old building? Where would they put the new one?
- Adjournment
- Kathleen Motions to adjourn, Russell seconds.
- Motion passes 2-0-0.
- Kathleen Motions to adjourn, Russell seconds.
- Diane Dyers- potential to build new public library potentially for less money. A Flyer was left and will be attached at the end of the minutes.
- Kathleen motions to accept the minutes, Russell Seconds.
Meeting Notes:
- Meetings will be every second Wednesday of every month after September 15, 2021.