Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes 04/08/2024

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Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes
Town of Otis
April 8th, 2024 | 2:00 PM

Attendance: William O’Brien, Jill Moretz, Candy Chaffee
Call to Order: 2:00 PM

Citizens Speak Time

Old Business
 Reviewed and signed meeting minutes from March 18th, 2024
New Business
 Approve/Deny Excise Abatements.
Motion to approve as presented passes 3-0-0
 Approve/Deny 2024/02 Motor Vehicle Excise Commitment.
Motion to approve as presented passes 3-0-0
 Approve/Deny rollback penalties from early withdrawal of chapter 61. Property located on West Center Road Map 6 and 84.
Motion to approve as presented passes 3-0-0
 Signed Revised Tax Commitment and Warrant
Open Forum
Next meeting: 5/13/2024 @ 2:00pm
Adjournment: 2:30 PM