A message from the Town Clerk
The town has purchased Town Meeting Clickers and they will be used at our next annual or special town meeting. This article will answer your questions regarding why they were purchased and what they will do.
The clickers were purchased primarily to boost voter participation. Many voters do not want to raise their hand to vote on articles thinking they are being judged by their neighbors and friends. Some business owners don’t come to Town Meetings because they feel raising their hand publically to vote may affect their business. The clicker system provides anonymous voting with the press of a yes or no button.
There was a great deal of discussion and several meetings with the Selectboard before purchasing the clickers. Security was a huge concern. Meridia is the company the clickers were purchased from. This company’s product is not connected to the internet. The system only works in close-range reception using Proprietary RF Communication Protocol. The clickers can be used indoors and outdoors. Chase Chapdelaine has volunteered to run the clicker system during the meetings. Chase and I have met for training and we have tested them throughout the building.
When you come to check in for the town meeting you will be given a clicker and a colored card. At the beginning of the meeting a fun test question will be presented and everyone will have the chance to try their clicker. The voting will be open for a set amount of time so everyone has a chance to vote. During this voting time if you accidently hit a wrong button on the clicker or want to change your vote you can. There is a little display screen on your clicker to confirm how you voted. The results of the vote will display once the voting has closed. The clickers will also expedite majority warrant articles and those more complicated warrant articles that require a 2/3rd or 4/5th vote. They will give more transparency and accountability.
The town of New Marlborough and Lee currently use the clickers and like them. Around 80 other towns throughout the state use electronic voting at meetings. A representative from the company will be at our first meeting to make sure everything goes smoothly.
I hope you will keep an open mind and look at this as a positive change. If you would like more information and to see the clickers please stop by the Town Clerk’s office. I am happy to answer any questions and concerns you may have.
Lyn OBrien, Town Clerk