Otis Library Meeting Thursday, October 12, 2017
Five-year Committee- 5:30, Full Board – 6:30
Members Present included: Kathleen Bort, Diane Dyer, Walter Engels, Jane Feldman, Steve Graves, Eve Kummel, Lois Hall, and Celeste Watman. The meeting was called to order at 6:35 PM.
After a correction concerning the acceptance of computer donations to the library the board the majority of the board approved of the September Minutes. Celeste abstained.
Walter shared the August Treasurer’s report and shared that our first quarter report showed that the library was fiscally solvent. The September Treasurer’s Report was accepted as read by the entire board.
Director’s Report: Kathy reported that things were very busy with four to five still busy with 4/5 bins incoming for circulation. The lighting to insure the outdoor safety of the walkway was ordered and the work will be completed by Logson Electric. The library replaced two chairs and will offer free books to our patrons until November 18. The following schedule of closings and events includes:
* closed Nov 11, Veteran’s Day,
* LEGO CLUB will meet on Nov 18
* There will be an early closing (3:00 pm) Nov 22 and the library will be closed Nov 23rd for Thanksgiving
* Susan Quinn – month of October-Photography – Reception October 14th
*Farmington River Regional School November & December
* No exhibit during January & February
* March – Mark Hungate – Polar Bears Photography
* April – Otis Museum Artifacts
** May 1,2018 -Mother’s Day Art Celebration – Pastels with Georgia O’Keefe selection with Greg Maicheck
*TBA Summer reading Rocketry for school age children
*August 4 2018 – 4:00 pm Music Rocks! Family campfire songs
Lastly, Kathy included the November 2017 Article from the Library for publication in the Otis Observer. (See attached to the end of the report.)
The Five-Year Committee discussed and signed-off on the Strategic Five-Year Plan which will be in effect from 2018 – 2023.
New Business items discussed for the library included establishing consensus about what topics should be included in reports and what constitutes new business. Susan wondered if the library board email address had been activated and asked what protocols the board should follow in checking and responding. After a good discussion, it was decided that Susan would check the account weekly and respond to the sender with the message that the idea or comment would be discussed by the FULL BOARD at the next available meeting. It is unclear if this account has been activated and this topic will warrant more clarification and discussion at our next meeting.
Jane inquired about how often the computers were cleaned and was concerned about the spread of germs during flu season. After some discussion, it was decided to have hand sanitizer available.
Celeste donated a CD with 31 languages to library and it was gratefully accepted. She also would like to work on library policy after the new year and will form a subcommittee.
Walter and Diane discussed a bill from Berkshire Graphics Inc. for preventive maintenance ????? The board will arrange for dumpster to dispose of unused books later in the spring.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:30.
Respectfully Submitted,
Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary
November 2017 Article from the Library
By Kathleen Bort
Welcome the talented young artists of Farmington River Regional School! They will be exhibiting their work during November and December. There will be a reception in December where students will perform musically. This is a great way to celebrate the holiday season with refreshments, and entertainment!
Please be reminded that everything is free in the book sale area until November 18th. Then we will close the book sale area and we will not be accepting any more books, DVDs, audiobooks, or other items until next spring. In addition, the library will no longer accept donations of computers, TV’s or other technological items without the prior consultation of our technology technician. Contact us for further information.
The Otis Library is delighted to announce that it will host the Otis Historic Society for their meetings on the third Wednesday of each month at 1:00pm. These meetings are open to the public, and the society welcomes new members anytime. The society is working to collect and share the history of Otis and its most noteworthy inhabitants.
The library has a state of the art video system that allows computer projection for presentations and large screen projection of video streaming, as well as other internet applications. If you have something, you would like to present or something you would like to watch from the internet, please call to use our equipment.
Lately our deliveries have included many items that have been in transit for most of the summer months, so as the demands subside, more of our materials are available and patron requests are fulfilled quickly. Remember you can request books, DVD’s, audiobooks and other materials.
As the holidays approach and as we start to face the likelihood of adverse weather, please note the library closings. This year, the library will be closed Saturday November 11 for Veteran’s Day. The Thanksgiving holiday will begin when the library closes early at 3:00 pm on Wednesday November 22, and resumes regularly scheduled hours on Friday November 24, 2017. The library will close due to unfavorable weather whenever the schools are closed, or whenever weather advisories are issued, the library will close early.
NOTE: The library email address has been changed: [email protected] for general information or to contact a librarian please send to [email protected] . Note that the town website has been redesigned, please look at www.townofotisma.com from the home page hit the three bars under search, and the library information is listed under departments. It is a great webpage for all Otis information!