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Location: Otis Town Hall, One North Main Road, Otis – Zoom Meeting
Conservation Commission Members present: Dominic Battista, Chris Chaffee, Jeff Laramy, Bruce Wall
Conservation Commission Members absent: Dave, Sarnacki, Roger Meyer, Jennifer Rivers Cole
Opening items/Introduction of Commission members and staff. Dominic opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and noted that the meeting is being recorded. Dominic introduced the members of the commission, and asked everyone to turn off/down their cell phones for the duration of the meeting. The deadline for applications for the January 21st, 2025 @ 6:00 PM meeting is on Tuesday, December 31st, 2024 by 3:00PM. The next office hours, for the December 31st, 2024 meeting, is on Wednesday, December 31st, 2024 from 8:00am –12:00pm.
Minutes: Domenic made a motion to approve minutes from the November 19th, 2024 meeting; BW 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to approve the minutes for the November 19th, 2024 meeting.


Public Hearing – RDA – Submitted by Michael Cienciwa, 196 Kibbe Rd., map 17C lot 54 regarding the removal of 1 dead tree that is endangering homes, all within the BZ of Otis
Reservoir. With all the being said, Dominic made a motion of a -3 determination with standard conditions and to flush cut trees. CC 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to issue a -3 determination.

Public Hearing – RDA – Submitted John W. Field Tree Service, Inc., on behalf of Michael &
Emily Gould, 335 Brookman Dr., map 18C lot 23, regarding the removal of 2 dead trees to minimize damage to property, all within the BZ of Otis Reservoir. With all the being said, Dominic made a motion of a -3 determination with standard conditions and to flush cut trees. BW 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to issue a -3 determination.

Public Hearing – RDA – Submitted by P&M Masonry LLC, on behalf of William Riley, 189
Brookman Dr., map 18C lot 56, regarding the replacement of the existing retaining wall with a new native stone wall all within the BZ of Otis Reservoir. With all the being said, Dominic made a motion of a -3 determination and the installation of waddles on the right side of lake when facing the house up to the corner of the house, install fabric and stone behind wall & to inform us when waddles are up. CC 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to issue a -3 determination.

Public Hearing – RDA – Submitted by Paula Mercier, Moody Goodman Road., map 17B lot 5 regarding the replacement of existing sea wall with a new wall and the repair/extension of existing deck, all within the BZ of Otis Reservoir.¬¬¬ After discussion amongst the board, Dominic made a motion to continue this application until Januarys meeting. CC 2nd the motion and the Commission voted unanimously to continue this application.

Public Hearing – NOI – Request for Amended OOC – Submitted by Salvini & Assocs., LLC on behalf of Erika Mueller, 1361 East Otis Road, map 15A lots 25/26, regarding the addition of a porch on the lake side of the house, all within the BZ of Benton Pond. With all the being said, Dominic made a motion to approve the amendment of the front deck with addition to install erosion control and a small berm around the lake area before work begins. Erosion control is to be left installed until a member of the Conservation Commission comes back out and gives the ok to remove it. BW 2nd the amendment and the Commission voted unanimously to approve the amendment.


Request for COC – Submitted by Mark Amanti, 1401 Reservoir Road, maps 6883/0151 lots 16/45 regarding the request for COC for work completed under DEP File #254-0456. Dominic made a motion to approve the COC. CC 2nd the approval and the Commision voted unanimously to approve the COC.

106 Leonard Road reached out in regards tree removal. The homeowner has already submitted an RDA and is still in his 3 year grace period. This tree was not part of the original RDA. Customer has asked for the approval to cut down this tree. After discussion the Commission has voted unanimously to allow the removal of the tree.

Amy and Vincent Caruso came in for guidance in regards to their chapter 91. They have reached out to the State and have been told their applications/plans are being put on hold as of right now. After discussion the Commission has suggested they submit an RDA for next month’s meeting.

Domenic made a motion to adjourn at 6:58.