Otis Library Building Committee Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
6:00 PM, Meeting Room, Otis Library
Members present: Sue Brofman, Stephanie Skinner, Stacey Schultze, Tom Burke, Don Chaffee, Steve Barry, Katelyn Chaffee, Celeste Watman (Library Trustee)
Sue Brofman called the meeting to order.
The committee approved the previous meeting minutes.
The group reviewed the scope of work for the Library Consultant. Mary Braney, a potential Library Consultant, joined the group via Zoom. The group had the chance to ask Mary their questions regarding her qualifications and suggestions on proceeding with the building project. The group conversed on the conversation with Mary.
A motion was made and seconded to offer Mary the position. After a brief discussion, the Committee voted unanimously to offer the position of Library Consultant to Mary Braney. Stephanie will contact Mary with the offer.
Working groups shared their updates.
Construction- Stephanie needs to get the project scope for the Owners Project Manager to Brandi as soon as possible.
Fundraising- In active brainstorming stage.
Grants- In active brainstorming stage.
Public Input/Public Relations- In active brainstorming stage.
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Katelyn Chaffee, Secretary
Next Meeting: Thursday, December 19th 6pm