Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes 07/10/2024

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Recreation Commission
Wednesday July 10, 2024 @ 6:30PM Otis Town Hall, 1 North Main Road
1. Call to order & Introductions.
a. Meeting called to order at 6:30
b. Board Members Present: Dana Pustinger, Robin Martin, Wendy Peterson, and Kelly Kennedy.
c. Board Members Absent: None
d. Others Present: None
2. Review and approval of prior meeting(s) minutes. Approved prior 6/12/2024 meeting minutes unanimously.
3. Accounting
a. FY24 Budget balance — none to review, no reports in our mailbox. Dana will ask Brandi for them.
4. Programs/Events.
Funz Trampoline Park jump pass update. Received 10 passes that were ordered. Last 5 we had were sold so what we have right now is the 10 we just got in.
ii. Obstacle Course Challenge — Sunday, August 4, 10-1lam. Meet to set up at 8:30 am. Mr Ding A Ling ice cream truck will not work this year, now requiring a deposit and a contract signed. Can check with Brandi if committee members can sign contracts for these types of services if we don’t have other options. Another option is a new snow cone truck out of Pittsfield. Dana sent a message to find out information on rates, will give until the beginning of next week to respond before looking at other options. Kelly will also contact another ice cream truck to see if they are available. Dana will have Heather order reusable water balloons and archery set (new event) from Amazon. Dana will bring her plastic pool.
iii. Pickleball update.
1. Dana read pickleball update letter dropped off by Joe Doboszynski.
2. Dana advised on the type of lock box Joe and Mike (Joe’s contact at Berkshire Pickleball) have suggested we order. Dana will research further with Joe.
3. Dana will check on Google drive for email addresses of those interested in playing pickleball. Robin stated that she and Heather did not receive emails that Pickleball was starting even though they left their email addresses at the first meeting.
4. All committee members agree to reimburse Joe for his supplies purchased and agree to purchase tape and net bags.

Board Members / Terms
Dana Pustinger, Chair / June 30, 2026
Wendy Peterson / June 30, 2026
Kelly Kennedy / June 30, 2025
Robin Martin / June 30, 2027
Recreation Commission
5. Discussed that pickleball is being advertised on Otis Recreation Department Facebook page and the Town of Otis website.
5. Memos.
6. Old Business.
a. Megaphone order— megaphone arrived and was in mailroom.

b. Town Hall basketball hoop— basketball hoop has arrived and is in the mailroom. Dana will email Eric to ask maintenance to install.
7. New Business.
a. New committee member suggestions? Lyn has posted on the town website that we’re looking for a new member.
8. Set the next meeting date. Wednesday, August 28th 6:30 pm.
9. Adjourn. 7:14 pm
Pickleball Report to Otis Parks and Recreation Commission
July 10, 2024
I believe the committee has put together a very successful start to the pickleball program. I thank the Commission for enabling it to happen. The first night I arrived at 5:45 to help set up and everything was already done. So far 3 nights of pickleball have been well attended with players having to wait a turn to play. Most of the players were beginners or new to pickleball which is what one would expect for a country town that has no courts. Seasonal people who play down south in the winter I think will become more active. An outside court has been painted on the basketball court behind the school with another court in the planning stage, it is marked off and just waiting for Rob and Carolyn Coco to pick a date to do it. This allows people having their own net an opportunity to play at their convenience. An article about the program will be in the August issue of the Otis Observer.
The next concern is the procurement of some material to support the program.
I don’t know if the Commission has a budget but If it does, some of it should be set something aside for pickleball. A couple of people have indicated an interest in contributing but I have not pursued it. I didn’t want to take money from anybody if things weren’t going to work out. I have spent $ 40.00 for taping the gym courts, and $ 35.00 for paint for doing the courts behind the school. There is plenty of paint remaining for future courts if ever needed. There are 3 nets that have been donated by Otis Woodlands.
What I see for needed expenditures (approximations) are:
$ 40.00 Tape for relaying after the gym floor is refinished.
$ 100.00
Future Net bags to store/transport existing nets.
$ 150.00 Lock box/lock/chain to store nets outdoors that can be used anytime.
(Mike Gilardi from Berk. Mtn. Pickleball Org. will order for us)
(Should get school principal’s permission to have lock box outside)
$ 100.00 A fourth net for the second outdoor court.
Suggestion for additional committee member tasks”
Publicity — to periodically have pickleball information put on the Otis Facebook page.
Email Coordinator — Maintain email addresses to contact other member to schedule play. Programs — Consider setting up youth programs, senior programs, snowbird programs, etc. totally dependent on volunteers if the program expands.