Selectboard/ Board of Health Meeting Minutes 06/11/2024

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Town of Otis
Selectboard/ Board of Health
Meeting Minutes
Town Hall Conference Room
1 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253
Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 6:30 PM

This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend. A remote option is offered via zoom with the link provided below.
Please note that while an option for remote participation is being provided as a courtesy, the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast, unless otherwise required by law. Anyone with interest in any specific item should plan in person attendance.

Topic: Select Board
Time: Jun 11, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 841 1260 0430
Passcode: 377235

Attendance: Larry Southard, Terry Gould- Acting Chair, Brandi Page, Phil Magovern, Derek Poirier, Rick Phair, B.J. O’Brien, Scott Bergeron, Becky Cushing Gop, Cameron Pease, Diane Dyer, Sue Brofman, Sue Ebitz. On Zoom: Steve Hutchinson, Colleen Granahan, Mimi Crandall and Bill Hiller.

Call to Order: 6:30 PM

Approval of Minutes: The minutes from May 29th were approved as amended.

Public Hearing to Discontinue Maintenance of Miner: Brandi informed the Board of Gary’s thought that the Town agree to continue to maintain the road for one more year. Maintenance would end for May 1st, 2025. Tom Hutchinson confirmed Audubon’s plans for the property and respectfully requested two years. Becky Cushing Gop was appreciative of the idea of an additional year. Terry felt it gave them a 16-17 month timeline before weather might come into play. Cameron Pease talked about how the road is currently used for his family’s travel and the public that comes in to access the property. Steve stated that once the buildings are down the intention is to have the road become part of the trail system. Audubon asked for clarification on where liability lies if we were to discontinue maintenance and they then maintain the road? Derek said homeowners often take over maintaining sections we have discontinued maintenance on in the past. He also stated we would post the road and it would say travel at your own risk. Colleen asked for clarification on why a town would discontinue a road that people are living on. Brandi stated that if the town decides to discontinue maintenance they are making the determination that the road is abandoned and unused for ordinary travel and no longer requires the Town to maintain it in a condition reasonably safe and convenient for travel. Colleen asked why a Town would make that determination when there are people living on the road. The Board decided to have Town Counsel define “abandoned and unused for ordinary travel”. Discussion continued until June 25th.

Yearly Appointments: Terry read through the list of reappointment applications and made a motion to reappoint the applicants to the positions. Motion seconded and passed. See attached list. Emergency Management Director and Zoning Board were tabled until our next meeting.

Highway Department: After consulting Town Counsel the Board agreed at this time they didn’t feel they wanted to pursue an agreement when sending an individual for training.

Assessing Services: Brandi stated that the Town had received quotes from Vision and RRC to take over the valuation work in the Assessor’s office. The Board of Assessor’s had reviewed these yesterday at their meeting and were recommending moving forward. Motion was made, seconded and passed to approve the quotes from both Vision and RRC.

Sewer Commitment: The Board signed the FY25 Sewer Commitment which will be forwarded to the Tax Collector.

Ambulance Services: The Board had reviewed the audit that was submitted by the Rescue Squad. They wanted additional time to review the existing contract language and think about any changes. Brandi and Terry had attended the latest Regional EMS meeting in Lenox. During the meeting two subcommittees were solidified. One is exploring a Berkshire County training option and the other is working on the hub and spoke model. Great Barrington has offered to be the lead town in a Community Compact grant round to use grant funds for bringing on the Collins Center to assist with data collection. The Board was unanimous in wanting to stay part of the exploration and will submit a letter of intent for the grant round. The Board discussed whether the Town should explore the logistics of bringing EMS services under the Town. It was felt a neutral consultant to help lay the ground work would be beneficial. Brandi will reach out to see if there is any interest.

Space Needs/ Annex: Brandi had reached out to Derek asking for him to put together a list of what he feels the Highway needs for space and estimates of square footage. The Police and Highway are at the top of the list so as we analyze how to move forward we need the information from Highway as part of the discussion.

Recent and Upcoming Events: None

Review & Approval of Warrants: Payroll and vendor warrants are on the table for signature.

Not Anticipated by the Board: Derek said he is working on the quote for the new truck. The company that makes the transmissions is causing delays with providing the transmissions on these larger trucks.

Adjournment: 7:35 PM