Recreation Commission Meeting Minutes 05/15/2024

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Recreation Commission
Wednesday May 15, 2024 @ 6:30PM
Otis Town Hall, 1 North Main Road


1. Call to order & Introductions.
a. Meeting called to order at 6:41
b. Board Members Present: Dana Pustinger, Robin Martin, Wendy Peterson, and Kelly Kennedy.
c. Board Members Absent: Jennifer Catolane
d. Others Present: None

2. Review and approval of prior meeting(s) minutes. Approved prior 4/22/2024 meeting minutes unanimously.

3. Accounting.
a. FY24 Budget balance – no printouts in our mailbox, not able to be reviewed.

b. FY25 Budget – no update.

4. Programs/Events.
i. Funz Trampoline Park jump pass – Dana received Invoice from FunZ for 10 passes. Robin will stop in at Town Hall next week to have the invoice submitted to Treasurer for a check to be mailed to FunZ. Once the invoice is submitted, Dana will let FunZ know to be on the lookout for the check.

ii. Obstacle Course Challenge – date set for Sunday August 4th 10-11 am. Will check with Lyn on availability to reserve Town Hall. Dana will check in with Rachel from Mr. Ding A Ling to see if we can have the ice cream truck again. New owners now require down payment, but Dana has been told by Rachel she may be able to make other arrangements on her own. If the ice cream truck does not work out, we can buy in bulk from BJ’s or Costco. Will need to buy mini waters to have on hand.

iii. Pickleball – last correspondence received from Pickleball committee was that they were going to submit school use form by May 1st to start by May 7th. Dana will follow up with Pickleball committee to find out if the school use form was submitted on May 1st and if they have started.

5. Memos.

6. Old Business. Megaphone and percolator order. Have Heather order from Amazon so we can use it for multiple events.

7. New Business.

a. Email from Lyn regarding basketball hoop damage. This must have been a portable hoop system. Agree we can purchase – will find one on Amazon and have Heather purchase from Recreation Equipment account. Budget is $500 – can get a decent one for about $200. Will need to put water or sand in the bottom. Will be discussed again at June meeting once we get confirmation on type of hoop needed.
b. Dana relayed email received from Lyn regarding email she received about donation of exercise bike. Dana informed members that she forwarded this email to Brandi to have her respond.

c. Vote on new committee chair: Unanimous vote for Dana. Dana agreed to 1 year term as chair, would like to alternate. No other committee members want to be the chair at this time.

d. All members will try to think of someone to join the committee and bring suggestions to the June meeting. The new person should be someone that will also be willing to alternate as chair. The chairperson should not be the same person for an extended period of time so it does need to be alternated.

8. Set the next meeting date. Wednesday June 12th @ 6:30

9. Adjourn. 7:17pm