Council on Aging Meeting Minutes 05/06/2024

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Otis Council on Aging

 Board Meeting May 6, 2024

Meeting was called to order at 2 PM.

Present were Jane Bernasconi, Janice Hawley, Diane Dyer,

Evie Loring, Dede Loring, Eila Bell, Kendra Rybacki, Elsie Devote.

The Secretary’s report was read and accepted as read.

The treasures report was read by Jane Bernasconi. Our current balance is 16,878 dollars and 77 cents.

Keeping in mind that trip residuals are coming in especially for the three-day trip to the Cape in September. ($595 per person).

We have not had any major expenses this month other than the expense to the Culinary Institute in New York. Our April bank statement should be incoming during this week. The treasures report was accepted.


Trips Up Date:

47 seniors traveled to the Culinary Institute and had a great time.

48 seniors have already signed for Margrita Vill on the Cape

20 Seniors have signed up for the Shoals trip in July.


We only have 6 signed up for the Paint and Music class, we will probably have to cancel.

Diane questioned the picture.

Brandi has offered to give us a cane for the Golden Cane. The one we gave to Lenny Alexzander was inferior.

Four new glue guns with a safety shut off have replaced the old ones.

Out to lunch at the Frog was very nice- good food, receiving slips was a little confusing, but we got it figured out.

It was nice to have Marilyn and Bill Fennelly both with us. Marilyn has been ill for some time.

Out to Lunch in June will be Tuckers in Southwick. Jane Bernasconi will call and make arrangements. Other suggestions were The Ranch in Southwick, Red Lion Inn, and Russell Inn.

So far Tuckers is the most reasonable for holiday luncheon. We will try Tuckers to see if we would like to have the holiday luncheon there. The gave us a price of 31.00, each.

Round Table:

Diane Dyer question why so many seniors other than Otis Seniors are allowed to attend our activity’s.

Eila said the COAs are state funded and are open to anyone.

Jane Bernasconi informed the group if we do not use state funds they will be returned to the state.

We will have a Holiday Luncheon combining Thanksgiving and Christmas the first Thursday of December.

Other suggestions were the Country Club in Lee.

Maybe a buffet could be done.

The Summer Barbecue will be on July 17th. with Sarah the Fiddler for entertainment. We will be supplying the food.

We will purchase meat from Costco’s. Hamburgers, 1/4lb. 85-15% and hot dogs. No sausage this year.

Diane suggests a couple of   people could go and check out prices.

June 19th is a holiday and we will be closed.

Flower arranging with Tammy will be June 17th. at 1PM. The cost will be $30 each.

Kendra asked about a grant to help cover Sarah the Fiddler, but grants are closed until next fall.

Jewelry class with Beth is Wed. at 10 am.

The salary for Grief Counciler was discussed. Eila suggested 75 dollars per session. She did look up the going rate for this and found it not unusual to be charges 150 dollars per session. Eila will speak to her about it.

Wix web site charged Eila’s credit card 400.00 for the next year. Eila would like to be reimbursed for this or have it applied to her and Dean’s trip to Margrita Ville.

Eila questioned if anyone was using the web site and should it be closed.

July out to lunch will be canceled because of the 4th of July Holiday.

Otis flags are maybe to be ordered.

We cannot sell them to raise money. No organization or persons can make profit on the town logo.

Diane asked if anyone was interested in having a table at the farmers market or the library fair.

Memorial Day we will be closed.

The O’Brien family will be serving a prime rib luncheon to the seniors on May 22nd. We will supply the drinks and desserts.

Lenny Alexzander would like to donate some of his cork art for prizes at our next potluck lunch.

May 22nd. Friendship tours are having an open house.

Motion made and excepted to close meeting at 3:05 pm.


Respectively Submitted

Janice Hawley

Recording Secretary

Otis Council on Aging.