Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 03/05/2024

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Otis Historical Commission

March 5, 2024


ATTENDANCE:  Diane Provenz, Gail Gelburd, Celeste Watman, Joel Myers, Hal Kobrin, Tricia Smith, Erica Kauffman.  The meeting began at 4:33 pm.

MINUTES:  The February minutes were approved unanimously.


The land transfer was tentatively approved by the bank.  At the end of next week, it is possible to have the final approval, and then, James Sienna can be contacted for his signature.

The Building Inspector said that the cushions can not be removed from the Otis Cultural Center at Historic St.  Paul’s until the construction is finished.

The contractor is authorized to begin, and will need to remove additional soil from underneath the church.  At this time, there is a port-a potty, and a dumpster on the property.

According to Joel, the work on the East Otis school needs to be completed by the end of Spring.

A draft of the Knox Trail video is available to be viewed by the Commission members.  Music still needs to be added to the video.  It was mentioned that 2025 is the 250th anniversary of the Knox Trail.


A “Notice Otis” event is scheduled for March 21, 2024 at the Monterey Library.  Gail Gelburd will present a lecture about Sue Moody, a writer, and journalist from Otis.

Hal discussed with a member from the Springfield diocese about the return of the organ to the Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s.  A draft letter will be sent.


Stephanie reported that there is $73,000 left in the OPT account.

For the MPPF grant, Round 30, additional information is required from the architect, Steve McAllister.  The grant deadline is March 15, 2024.

A letter was sent to the Fitzpatrick Foundation asking permission to apply for the grant, and permission was given.  We will apply in the Fall.

OPT is considering applying for a grant from the National Parks Service (Paul Bruhn grant.)  The application deadline is March 19, 2024.  This grant does not require matching funds, and the award ranges from $200,000 – $750,000.  The grant would fund additional work on the East Otis school, the Otis Cultural Center at Historic St. Paul’s, and the Knox Trail.


The next meeting will be on April 9, 2024 at 4:30 pm.  This meeting adjourned at 5:04