Selectboard Meeting Minutes 03/31/2023

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Joint with Becket Select Board

Becket Town Hall

Friday, March 31, 2023, at 3:00 PM



This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice.

Members of the public are welcome to attend.


Attendance: Larry Southard-Chair, Terry Gould, William Elovirta-Becket Chair, Michael Lavery, Chris Swindlehurst, Brandi Page, Rick Phair, Max Koivisto, Kathe Warden, Beverly Gilbert & Ray Ferrin.


Call to Order: 3:05 PM


Discussion of Rescue Services: The meeting started with introductions around the room. Kathe gave a recap of the previous discussion on the idea of Becket and Otis considering a shared ambulance. Becket’s Board voiced concerns about how many calls Becket Ambulance already responds to in Otis. Ray had briefly consulted for Otis Rescue Squad. It was asked what his opinion was on merging. He felt the opportunity to build a shared service has the potential to be beneficial to the residents of both towns. There are quite a few logistics that would need to be discussed and agreed upon while drafting the agreement. The idea is a shared operation and staffing model with two hubs. One in Becket and one in Otis. With per diem coverage drying up ambulances are having to change how they staff. It was asked how the Rescue Squad feels about the idea. Rick Phair spoke to say there is some confusion on their end as to how this would all work out. He felt that lack of communication is an issue. Ray said that we would have to get buy in from all the stakeholders. Becket administration, Becket residents, Otis Administration, Otis residents and the Rescue Squad. It was discussed that both towns should hold a meeting for the public so that concerns and questions can be answered. We would need to draft a timeline for the process to share. The next step for Otis is April 11th when the Rescue Squad has asked to be on the agenda. Ray is going to work with the director from South County EMS to schedule a meeting both Select Boards can attend to get an overview of how their operation works with Deerfield, Sunderland & Whately. William Elovirta made a motion for Becket to explore a shared ambulance service with Otis. Michael Lavery seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. The Otis Board had voted unanimously in favor to explore a shared service at their meeting on February 28th.


Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.