Selectboard Meeting Minutes 06/28/2022

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

Tuesday, June 28, 2022, at 6:30 PM


This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend. A remote option is offered via zoom with the link provided below.

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Topic: Selectboard

Time: Jun 28, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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Attendance: Chair Larry Southard, Gary Thomas, Terry Gould, Brandi Page, Barbara Gallagher, Tom  Logsdon, Celeste Watman, Kris McDonough, Miguel Santana, Tammy Weidhaas, Frank Murphy, Adam Gonska, BJ O’Brien, Chris Bouchard, Michael Rosenburg and Kelly Minery Hamden. On Zoom: Phil Magovern, Sarah DeJesus, Vivian Kaufman & Mark Anthony.


Call to Order: 6:30 PM


Approval of Minutes: The minutes from 5/25 were approved as amended. The minutes from 6/14 were approved as written.


Local Harm Reduction Services: Sarah DeJesus from Berkshire Harm Reduction spoke about the services they offer and the locations that are running. They provide comprehensive services including clean needles, testing, and treatment resources. They partner with local first responders making narcan & maloxone available. They currently have locations in North Adams, Pittsfield & Gt. Barrington. This year they also introduced a mobile unit and have been going out to communities. Sarah asked that the Board consider adopting MGL Ch 111 Sec 215 that would allow those services to be available in Otis. After brief discussion the Board asked to have the exact language sent for them to review. This agenda item will be continued at the next meeting.


Rescue Squad Agreement: The Board reviewed the updated draft of the agreement. Larry made a motion to approve and sign the agreement which will then be forwarded to the Rescue Squad.


RRG Assessing Agreement: Brandi explained that RRG has been exploring changes to the services they offer. This agreement is based on Otis hiring their own administrative staff for the office while RRG continues to cover the valuations and field work. An option that had come up recently was to make this position at least 21 hours and benefitted to make it more attractive. At the same time it will allow us to fill some gaps and also have this person cover some tasks in the financial offices. RRG has reduced their contracted amount by over 20,000 so that gives us the room in our budget to recruit someone. Larry asked if there is a need for support in one or two of the other offices and it was agreed that there was. Larry made a motion to move forward with the agreement and recruiting this position. Gary seconded and motion passed unanimously. Brandi stated she would draft the ad and give the Board time to review that and the job description before they went out.


Shared Chief Agreement: Becket had signed and sent us our copy to execute but there was a typo in the amount. Becket is resigning tonight. Larry made a motion to approve the agreement contingent upon the correct amount and signatures from the Becket Selectboard.


VADAR Renewal: The renewal agreement form Vadar had come in for our accounting software. The contract amount had actually gone down a small amount. Larry made a motion to approve and sign the agreement. Terry seconded and motion passed unanimously. Chris Bouchard asked where things stood with offices tying in and the training that was promised. Brandi stated that there are several departments tied in and Vadar has been great with any training and assistance since she has been there.


Pole Petition, Judd Road: Michael Rosenburg was present on behalf of the petition. This petition is for new midspan poles on Judd Road to improve reliability and performance of the circuit. The Board discussed with him some of Derek’s concerns. Chris Bouchard asked about the standards that are used. Michael replied new installations typically follow the latest standards but improvements to existing circuits, often older ones, tend to follow the placement and structure of what is existing. Michael replied they can adjust the placement of the auger to the field side and gain a couple feet with the new poles as Derek has requested. Larry made a motion to approve the petition and sign, Gary seconded, and motion passed unanimously.


Appointments: BRPC delegate and Emergency Management Director are still being vetted and will be brought up again in the future. The Board discussed the Planning Board vacancy. They received three applications. Larry spoke to thank Tom Logsdon for his interest but that until he becomes a resident they would be unable to appoint him. Larry asked for the other members thoughts. Terry felt Mark Anthony had municipal experience and might be a good fit. Gary had reviewed the applications and felt that Hal’s experience and dedication to the Board should be considered and that he feels the Board should appoint Hal. Barbara Gallagher was present from the Planning Board and spoke to say that she felt along with the voters at the recent election that they wanted a chance for someone new. She would like to see Mark Anthony appointed. Larry spoke to see he was worried that if they were to appoint Hal they would be circumventing the will of the voters. Also noted was that this is a short term appointment. The position is only until the next town election and then the remainder of the term is up to the voters. Celeste asked if Boards ever remove someone. Brandi replied the Select Board can rescind an appointment but only for an appointed position not an elected one. This is rarely ever done. Larry made a motion to appoint Mark Anthony, Terry seconded. Motion passed two in favor one opposed. Kris McDonough was present and had submitted his recommendations for the full time officer positions that had been advertised. He was pleased to recommend Tammy Weidhaas for the Sergeant position. Tammy is currently the Chief for the Blandford/Chester Department and brings extensive experience. Kris was also recommending Miguel Santana be appointed to the fulltime officer position. Miguel has been working in Otis for several years and will be completing the bridge training in the third year. Also being recommended for appointment as reserve officers were Adam Gonska, Frank Murphy and Santi Messina. Larry spoke to say they have had great feedback and that they have put their trust in Kris to lead the department with the team he feels is best. Gary asked how many hours the Sergeant position is. Kris replied 40. Tammy spoke to say she had already given the other department her notice and would be working for both department in the next several weeks to fulfill her notice requirements. Both departments are being flexible for her transition. Larry made a motion to appoint Tammy Weidhaas as the Sergeant, Miguel as the full time officer contingent upon being certified as a full time officer, and Adam Gonska, Frank Murphy and Santi Messina as reserve officers. Kris has requested all appointments be subject to a 90 day probationary period. Gary seconded and motion passed unanimously. Chris Bouchard spoke to say the Fire Department has noticed a positive difference in the responses and coverage of our police department in recent weeks.


Town Beach: This item was tabled and will be brought up again soon. The upcoming Holiday will be a good time to see how things are operating there.


Sewer Commitment: The Board reviewed the FY23 Sewer Commitment. Larry made a motion to sign and commit $68,400.20. Terry seconded, motion passed unanimously.



Review & Approval of Warrants: Payroll and vendor warrants are on the table for signature.


Not Anticipated: Kelly Minery Hamden was present and spoke about the situation in the Farmington with the beavers and the large existing dams. She is only one homeowner of several that are losing property and in danger is jeopardizing their septic systems. The Board discussed and decided they are willing to assist and mitigate and possible flooding to Town properties in the center including the Fire Department. We will work with a trapper to remove some beavers and the Highway department to slowly and deliberately take down a few of the dams.


Adjournment: 8:00 PM