Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes 12/01/2021

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Board of Assessors Meeting Minutes

Town of Otis

Wednesday December 1, 2021

11:00AM Meeting


Meeting Called to order at 11:07PM

Attendees: Russell Loring (Chairperson), Heather Grey (Board Member), Christopher Cozzaglio (Associate Assessor), Alliey Pevay (Administrative Assessor), Harald Scheid (Regional Lead Assessor)


  • Minutes from October 20, 2021
    • Russell Loring moves to approve the minutes from October 20, 2021. Heather Grey Seconds. 2-0-0 Motion Passes.
  • Old Business
  • New Business
    • Approve/Deny Motor Vehicle Commitments as presented.
      • Heather Grey makes a motion to accept Motor Vehicle Abatements as presented. Russell Loring Seconds. 2-0-0 Motion Passes.
    • Approve/Deny Chapter Application as presented.
      • Russell Loring moves to approve chapter applications as presented. Heather Grey Seconds the motion. 2-0-0 Motion Passes.
    • Approve/Deny Statutory Exemptions as presented.
      • Russell Loring moves to accept statutory exemptions as presented. Heather Grey Seconds. 2-0-0 Motion Passes.
    • Assessor Update:
      • Harald Scheid: There has been a market-wide trend of residential homes and commercial properties being sold for more than they are assessed. We are anticipating an increase in parcel assessment due to these market trends.
    • Open Forum
    • Adjournment
      • Russell Loring moves to adjourn the meeting at 11:45A. Heather Grey Seconds. 2-0-0 Motion Passes.
    • Meeting Adjourned at 11:45A