Planning Board Meeting Minutes 04/05/2021

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Town of Otis

Planning Board Meeting Minutes

April 5, 2021

7:00 p.m.

Online using the Zoom link provided below.


*This meeting is being conducted remotely through Zoom. You must check back within 24 hours of the start time for a link to join.

Pursuant to the Governor’s March 12, 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, Sec 18, this meeting is being held via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Every effort is being made to ensure that any member of the public may access the meeting in real time, via technological means. Agendas will be amended to show the link and participation code to access the meeting no sooner than 48 hours before. Recordings and/or draft proceedings of the meeting will be available on our website as soon as possible.


  1.  Roll Call
  1. Hal Kobrin, Chair
  2. Rona Knight, Member
  3. Barbara Galligher, Member
  4. Jen Daily, Member
  5. Stacey Schultze, Clerk
  6. Members of the Public Present: David Donahue, Vicki, Robert Fanelli, Ann O’Donnell, Mark Lamanna, Shari Lamanna, Elaine Downing Hunter. William Sadock, Alison Shlomi


  1. Public Hearing D & J
    1. Call to Order 7:01
    2. Hal introduced the Amendments, first to exclude a small parcel of land, and second to extend the application 1 year
    3. David explained the intent and progress
    4. Vicki expounded on the amendment explaining the steps taken and how there was no impact to the original application.
    5. Jen makes a motion to accept the amendments as it meets the required criteria, Rona seconds, all in favor
    6. Jen makes a motion to accept the amendments as part of the prior Site Plan approval, Rona seconds, all in favor
    7. Hearing closed at 7:26


  1. Public Hearing Solar
    1. Call to Order 7:27
    2. Public thank you to Jim for drafting the bylaw for the boards’ review and doing the heavy lifting.
    3. No comments or questions from the board or public
    4. The bylaw will be sent to Town Meeting in May for a vote
    5. Motion to conclude hearing by Jen, Rona seconds, all in favor
    6. Hearing closed at 7:31


  1. Public Hearing Flood
    1. Hearing opened at 7:32
    2. Hal explains the update to the bylaw is due to FEMA changes which require the update, and that there was little interpretation for changes within these requirements
    3. No questions or comments from the board or public
    4. The bylaw will be sent to Town Meeting in May for a vote
    5. Hal motions to close the hearing, Jen seconds, all in favor
    6. Hearing closed at 7:35


  1. Planning Board meeting Called to Order at 7:36


  1. Approval of Minutes.  Approval of March 8, 2021 Planning Board meeting minutes.
    1. Jen motions to accept, Rona seconds, all in


  1. MVP & HMP Grants update
    1. BRPC is putting the finishing touches on a website outlining the granting process that should be active soon.
    2. Requesting an extension on both grants due to limitations from COVID and staff turnover at BRPC


  1. Complete Streets Grant update
    1. Requesting an extension until fall
    2. Rona with Eammon at BRPC have identified several projects with incremental steps that are fundable


  1. Any Other Business, Old or New.
    1. Mark Lamanna asked Hal to reiterate his interpretation of the cell tower bylaw in regards to the proposed plans for a tower in the Big Pond area
    2. Hal explains that if the tower were exclusively for emergency services, then the town would not have to follow the process outlined in the bylaw.  But because there is a commercial party involved, then the cell tower proposal should follow the bylaw guidelines
    3. Rona asked if this proposal would be presented to the planning board and notes that it is not just a Big Pond area issue.
    4. Hal indicated that if the proposal is for a commercial tower or mixed commercial and emergency services tower, then it should come through the planning board
    5. Elaine Downing Hunter thanks the planning board for being clear and transparent in our requirements and procedures.  She asked if the planning board would oversee road access?

Hal responded yes, the planning board would require a site plan review for ingress or egress.

Jen points out that Con Com would also need to be involved in the process.  She also notes that there is a good system of checks and balances to maintain and revive Otis.  Jen encourages everyone to complete the HMP/MVP Survey


  1. Jen makes a Motion to end the meeting at 8:00, Rona seconds, all in favor.


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