Printer friendlyOtis Historical COmmission Minute for February 26, 2020Attendees: Sonia morrison, Diane Provenz, Celeste Atman, Tom Ragusa, Judith Mabee
Minutes meeting OHC February 26, 2020
1. Last meeting minutes accepted.
2. Knox Trail Video – the Commission is scheduling interviews with 2 videographers to determine the scope of the video and the cost for a video that will memorialize the History of the trail through the eyes of TomRagusa. We hope that each will be able to attend our next meeting on March 18, 2020. The Commission will also try to engage a scriptwriter for the video.
3. The Commission discussed the presentation Tom Rapgusa will be doing on the Knox Trail at the Monterey Library on April 4th. The powerpoint presentation will be about how Tom worked on ” Rediscovering the Great Road also known as the Knox Trail” Tom has surveyed the area extensively.
4. Harmony Hall – the Committee reviewed notes provided by Larry Gould as to what work is needed to support the floors in both exercise rooms and other work that will be required so that the building can be used by the public.
5. The Commission voted unanimously to approve the following 2020 expenses:
Video of Knox Trail –
$4500 category 5300
$500 category 5313
Historical Consultant
$250 category 5345
$1950 category 5580
$300 category 5710
Total $2500
Video of powerpoint presentation for a maximum of $500.6. A warrant item to be proposed for St Paul’s Church to be held in perpetuity similar to the warrant for the schoolhouse.
7. New Business –
Celeste Watman has spent several days preparing an inventory of records stored in the Town Hall basement. Some of the items will require archival boxes, sleeves, and notebooks.
There are several rooms of material to be inventoried.8. The next meeting will be March 18 at Town Hall at 2PM
Meeting closed at 3:50PM
diane provenz