Select Board Meeting Minutes 11/01/2019

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Town of Otis

Select Board Meeting Minutes

November 1, 2019


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 8:00 am in the Town Hall conference room.  The meeting is not being recorded and a quorum is present.


Present:           Select Board Chairman Gary Thomas, Selectman Larry Southard, Selectman Bill Hiller, Terry Gould, Karen Fink, Laura Lee Bertram



Selectman Secretary’s Position: An offer had been made to Stacey Schultze and it was not immediately accepted due to salary concerns. We had received another application from Lisa LaGrant and the decision was made to continue to interview applicants. It was decided to request Lisa to come in on 11/5/19 at 6:00.


Town Administrator Position: We had two previous applicants for the Town administrator position, and we discussed pros and cons. We had feedback from Karen and Terry as well and it was decided to repost the job and continue to see what other applicants may apply. A discussion was also had about potentially hiring an interim Town Administrator and that was put on hold for the time being.




Fence Around St. Paul’s: Jim Crandall had left us with three quotes for temporary fencing to be placed around St. Paul’s as the building had been deemed unsafe by the building inspector. After looking at the quotes Larry asked to have Jim to provide an idea of pricing for a more permanent fence as the quotes, we have for only one year


Bookcases in Selectman’s Office: Bill asked the board if we could remove the bookcase wall which had been made around the Town Administrator’s office. All agreed and Bill will ask Jim to have Maintenance move them to the Selectman’s conference room


Adjournment:  The Select Board unanimously adjourned the meeting at 9:10 am.



Respectfully Submitted,

Bill Hiller


Town of Otis