Select Board Meeting Minutes 05/14/2019

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Town of Otis

Select Board Meeting Minutes

May 14, 2019


Call to Order:  Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall conference room.  A quorum is present and the meeting is being recorded.


Present:           Select Board Chair Don Hawley, Selectman Bill Hiller, Town Administrator Becky Stone, Emily Piacquadio, Harald Scheid, Jim Crandall, Bob Meunier, Terry Gould, Michael Ernst, Russell Loring, Dan Hamill, Sonia Morrison, Donna Gray, Lisa D’Orazio and Nancy Crandall.


Review Meeting Minutes: The April 23, 2019 and April 30, 2019 Select Board meeting minutes were approved as written.  The April 22, 2019 All Boards meeting minutes were approved as written.  The April 3, 2019 and April 16, 2019 Finance Board/Select Board Budget meeting minutes were approved as written.  The March 25, 2019 Finance Board/Select Board Budget meeting minutes were tabled until the next meeting following revisions.


Board of Health:  Select Board Chair Don Hawley read a note submitted by Jack Conboy rescheduling an appearance and update from Esmir of Fratelli’s regarding the restaurant’s grease trap to the May 29, 2019 meeting.  The reason for the extension is to allow time for the Plumbing Inspector Brian Middleton to work with Jack and Esmir on a resolution to the issue, which they are currently addressing.  It was also noted that Mount Everett Sanitation is doing the pumping work at Fratelli’s.  Next, Don Hawley expressed his concern with the lack of assistance provided to the Board of Health by its current secretary, Heather Gray.


Heat Pump Installations:  Jim Crandall gave an update on the heat pump installations.  He reported that since the last discussion, he was informed that he will need to order a panel to accommodate the heat pumps, which is in addition to the original proposed price.  He believes that another $2,000 for the panel and installation will be needed in addition to the original $8,000 proposed for the pumps and installation.  He requested a total of $10,000 be transferred from the Highway Snow Removal account for this project.  After the heat pumps are fully installed, the $10,000 will be reimbursed to the town.  He expects the work to be completed by the end of the current fiscal year.


RRG:  The current Regional Resource Group contract expires on June 30, 2019.  Harald Scheid from RRG attended the meeting to present and discuss the proposed contracts and telepresence technology for the town to consider.  He explained that employing staff from his firm at the town hall with formal office hours will be phased out over time and replaced with telepresence technology.  He noted that with this new technology, his staff would be available more than they currently are to answer taxpayers’ questions. There was a lengthy discussion and several questions and concerns were brought up regarding the new technology and equipment involved, services that would be available to taxpayers, associated fees, total proposed costs to the town and whether or not this new technology would be embraced by taxpayers.  Harald described the advantages of a portal that could be purchased by the town and accessible to taxpayers in the town hall, rather than the limited hours of staff time currently available in the Assessor’s office.  The board asked Assessor’s Office Chair Russ Loring what his opinion was regarding the new technology being proposed.  He explained that he believes it is a very good idea.  Michael Ernst asked if we could still have a physical presence of RRG in the town hall.  Harald explained that we could, but not on a regular weekly schedule.




Police Department:  Dan Hamill had to leave for an emergency call (there was a motor vehicle accident on Route 8 as the meeting started), so he left a note for the Board requesting that Ken Pettibone and Martin Mayberry be appointed as Temporary Constables, so they can work at the annual town meeting and voting polls this month.  There was a short discussion on the matter and the request was approved by Bill and Don.


Becky noted that Town Counsel Jeremia Pollard would be in attendance at the May 21, 2019 annual town meeting.


The May 27, 2019 All Boards meeting scheduled on Memorial Day is cancelled.  The next Select Board meeting will be May 29, 2019 due to town elections.


Adjournment:  At 8:00 pm the Select Board unanimously adjourned the Select Board meeting.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nancy Crandall

Selectmen’s Secretary, Town of Otis


List of Documents


  1. A copy of a note from Jack Conboy, Board of Health dated May 14, 2019 rescheduling an appearance by Esmir from Fratelli’s to update the Selectmen regarding compliance on the grease trap.


  1. A copy of the letter sent to Fratelli’s dated April 29, 2019 regarding excessive grease discharged into the town sewer system.


  1. A copy of an email from Becky Stone dated May 13, 2019 with copies of a 1 year contract, 3 year contract and service proposal for a ‘telepresence’ new service model from Regional Resource Group, the town’s current Property Tax Assessor Service subcontractor.


  1. A copy of a note from Dan Hamill requesting Ken Pettibone and Martin Mayberry be appointed Temporary Constables until July 1, 2019, so they can work at the town meeting and voting polls this month.