Otis Cultural Council
May 24, 2016 at 7:15 PM
Otis Town Hall, Conference Room
I. Call to Order
II. Approval of the Minutes of Apr. 26, 2016
III. Reports
A. Financial report (Shanon)
B. Chair Report (Jeanne )
1. State budget news
2. Recruiting applicants for the 2017 grant cycle
IV. Beautify Otis Flower barrel project
1. Thank you to Jim Crandall and crew
2. Enough barrels and gardeners?
3. Flower reimbursements
V. Spring events/ Schedule of Events
1. Flying Cloud program
2. Field trips grades 1 & 2
B. May Events publicized by OCC
1. The Great Encampment
2. Tag Sale (Vicki & MaryJo)
3. Sup & Swing (Diane)
C. Summer Workshops
D. Arts Festival (Carol & Deb)
VI. Other business:
A. Next meeting issues
VII. Next meeting: June 28 at 6:00 PM
Agenda submitted by J. Randorf 5/18/16