Board of Selectmen Minutes 06/14/2016

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the Town Hall conference room.

Present: Select Board Chair Roberta Sarnacki, Selectman Bill Hiller, Chris Morris, Terry and Larry Gould, Michael Ernst, Jim Crandall, Frank Tolopko, Marion Middleton, Gary Thomas, Dave and Kathleen Conklin, Hank Wingate, Dave Roberts, Richard and Dorothy Theriault, Nick Hiller, Russ Loring, Carol Blakeslee, Mary Anne Cicchillo, Dot D”Elia, Linda Rocke, Lynn Pyenson, Sandy Pinkham, Kathleen Rider, Frank Caruso, Liga Gutmanis, Russ Kitson and Kathy Carroll, Sonia Kobrin, Stephanie McNair, Les Boles

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Roberta Sarnacki who announced the meeting was being recorded.

Approval of Minutes: The May 25, 2016 Select Board meeting minutes were unanimously approved as written. The May 23, 2016 All Boards minutes were tabled until next meeting as there was no quorum for approval with Roberta having to abstain.

RRG Contract: The individual submitted cost estimates to Chris and would cost about $9000 less than the contract, but that does not include recertifications or health insurance. Including those two items would bring the cost over the contract cost. Russ would prefer to keep the contract in place. They work well with the rest of the staff and do a good job. Bill and Roberta decided to table the decision until the next Select Board meeting so Don’s opinion can be heard.

Transfer Station Rules: Chris had met previously with Jim Crandall and they had come up with recommended language for the Transfer Station Rules and Regulations to clarify Commercial Permits versus Contractors. Roberta and Bill unanimously approved the clarified wording, which will be added to the Rules and Regulations.

Poll Worker Appointments: Bill and Roberta unanimously approved the Poll Worker List provided by Lyn Minery.

Town Reappointments: Bill and Roberta went through the three pages of reappointments. Any reappointment requests for Bill, for Roberta, for the Constables, and for the Police Department were tabled until the next Select Board meeting because there was not a quorum present with one or the other abstaining from voting. All other reappointments were approved by Roberta and Bill, the Investment Policy Advisory Committee was retained with Michael Ernst being reappointed to that, Richard and Dorothy Theriault were appointed to the Historical Commission positions, Mary Adams was appointed to the vacant Recreation Commission position that was held by Bob Rosen and Dana Pustinger was appointed as the Alternate Commissioner, the Smart Growth Committee was disbanded by the Select Board since they have not met in two years or more, and Robert Kimberley was accidently left off the list and was reappointed as Assistant Wire Inspector.

Social Media Policy: A resident asked if Town Counsel had been asked about a four page letter that had been circulated. The resident was concerned it had violated the Social Media Policy and Town Counsel said that email is not a social media network. The resident then produced another Facebook posting that he claims came from a general town post. Since this post was not generated by anyone from Town Hall and was not on any Facebook page associated with Town Hall, this post was also determined to not be a violation of the town’s Social Media Policy.

Southern Berkshire Solid Waste Management: Jim Crandall let the Select Board know he just recently found out about a multi-town grant opportunity that is good for three years to handle mattress recycling. After the three years are up it will cost the town transportation money to continue with the mattress recycling. Currently, the town disposes of about ten to twelve mattresses per week. Adding our name to the grant would require residents disposing of them in either Monterey or Becket. Jim was not certain this grant opportunity would work out for us and suggested we decline joining in the grant. Roberta and Bill tabled this until the next meeting so they could discuss this with Don.


At 7:30 pm both Select Board meeting was unanimously adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa D’Orazio
Selectmen’s Secretary
Town of Otis
List of Documents

A copy of the Administrator Report about the Transfer Station Rules will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of the Town Clerk’s Poll Worker List will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of the Reappointment Request List will be filed with these meeting mi