COA Foot Nurse
June 9 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Foot Care for Seniors
With our holistic approach to foot care and stress relief, we have witnessed a dramatic improvement in our consumers balance and overall well-being on numerous occasions FootCare by Nurses Will be providing foot care at the Otis Council on Aging as of January 8, 2024.
Dates of Services: 2nd Monday of the month, unless otherwise noted.
Time of Services: 9am-2:30pm
Location for Services: Otis Council on Aging
One North Main Road
Otis, MA 01253
Contact person: Kendra Rybacki
413-269-0100 ex. 5
Appointments are 1/2 half hour
Appointments must be made in advance.
Cost to Patient: Otis residents Fee $30, Nonresidents Fee $55.
All payments will be made to the Otis Council on Aging at the time of service:
Home visits are available, $95.