Selectboard Meeting Minutes 05/09/2023

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

Tuesday, May 09, 2023, at 6:30 PM



This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend. A remote option is offered via zoom with the link provided below.

Please note that while an option for remote participation is being provided as a courtesy, the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast, unless otherwise required by law. Anyone with interest in any specific item should plan in person attendance.


Topic: Select Board

Time: May 9, 2023 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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Attendance: Larry Southard- Chair, Gary Thomas, Terry Gould, Brandi Page, Tammy Weidhass, Rick Phair, Lyn O’Brien, Karen Fink and Barbara Gallagher. On Zoom- BJ O’Brien, Mark, Phil Magovern & Kathy Couch.


Call to Order: 6:30 PM


Approval of Minutes: Minutes from April 25th were approved as written.



Appointments: 1) Seasonal Transfer Station Larry made a motion to appoint Tom Hawley and Kim Phillips as seasonal transfer station attendants. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. 2) Constable Lyn spoke about the requirements in scheduling an officer or constable for the Annual Election. It is the Select Board’s responsibility to assign a constable for the Elections. Lyn asked the Board to appoint Ralph Gleason due to no availability with the officers. Motion was made to appoint Ralph for May 23rd, seconded and passed.

3) Treasurer Larry stated they had interviewed three candidates. He made a motion to appoint Jessica Horan effective May 24, 2023. Motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Larry thanked Karen for her years of service.


Mass DOT Work: The Board reviewed the work proposed for the corner of Rte 8 & Rte 23. There is a question of how much it will cut into the park. The Board approved the work and will sign the Right of Entry form.


Shared Chief Contract Renewal: Tabled until a draft is received from Becket.


Town Beach: The Board went through the beach regulations and made updates. A motion was made to change the fee from $5 to $20. Motion seconded and passed unanimously. It was discussed and confirmed that people in Town renting short term can purchase beach passes. The Board discussed and approved exploring an attendant for the weekends. The position will be advertised at $18 per hour. We will get a picture of the current signage at the Beach and have that updated.


Kitchen Work at the Library: The Board reviewed the proposed work to the kitchen at the Library along with recommendations from Larry Gould and Eric Kreis. Motion to table until the new director is settled. We will put together a scope after consulting with him and then a price estimate. The estimate will then help us establish a funding source.


Recent & Upcoming Events: Rick updated the Board on the Erbe Building burn. Everything went well and we had 4 towns participate. Their procedures were witnessed by a professional on site and they received a good review. He asked that if the paving for the Center Fire Station moves forward that the work be scheduled after the Steak Roast on August 26th. Lastly, he brought up drainage concerns during the winter at the Fire Station.


Review & Approval of Warrants: Payroll and vendor warrants are on the table for signature.


Not Anticipated: None


Adjournment: 7:37 PM