Otis Library Meeting Minutes 02/10/2022

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Otis Library & Museum February Minutes*

Thursday, February 10, 2022, 6:00 PM

* Meeting will be conducted in accordance with the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law on Zoom

Members present – Diane Dyer, Chair, James Adams, Kathy Bort, Sue Brofman, Susan Ebitz, Lois Hall, Gloria Mamokhin, Donna Rich

Chair Diane Dyer called the meeting to order at 6:03 PM.

Approval of January Minutes

Sue B. made a motion, seconded by Donna to table approval of the January Meeting Minutes. The motion was passed.


Treasurer’s reports:  A motion was made by Donna, seconded by Susan E.  to accept the January Treasurer’s Report. The treasurer’s report was unanimously approved.


Director’s Report: * (Unedited)


Attendance   average 8-10 per day

Technology Use 1-2 patrons per day

Delivery 2-3 bins per week

Circulation added   30 to collection, 20 DVDs, and 20 Books to ALA grant (closing this grant soon)

Laminator … received from the Otis Cultural Council….

Paid for Laminator and Shipping

We paid for materials and the warranty for three years

Need:  we will need to purchase a table or stand for the machine …….

COVID – maintain mask -wearing

Old Business 

  • Small Library Pilot Program – Kathy

” Great turnout! The square footage was calculated according to area designs and then totaled with consultation from Lauren & Andrea this glitch today was totally unexpected. The site area limitations were not expected. Reconsideration of sq. footages will be due in two weeks.  The figure needs to be adjusted and the town officials need to be aware.  I am not sure if they must approve the square footage. I gave Larry my original copy of the building plan, and the charts, and I asked him when he wanted to meet next week.  He told me he was not meeting he was going to fix it with Brandi and maybe Hal.  I simply said get back to me when you have something.  I defer this to Sue and Diane to meet/consult with Larry.  My fear is that spaces will be cut. These are spaces that were decided by the public feedback sessions. As Gloria reported the areas were from the public sessions, and then we developed the designs. If we cut these areas, will we lose some support?     I have printed three copies of the Building Plan which are available to anyone who would like to see or study it.  I can email the files if you would like to read it electronically.  The question/decision is whether to cut the square footage or fight for what has been designed.  My concern with cutting is the questions asked by MBLC today about planning for the needs of the next 20 years, and their questions about expanding in the future if needed.  All this needs to be discussed.”


All Trustees and staff were in agreement that the interview went well and that the glitch around the building sq, footage was unanticipated. Diane and Sue will go to town hall on Monday to set up at time when they, Brandi, Larry, and maybe Hal can meet to resolve this issue and move forward with the application.

  • Diverse Otis/Library Book Club will meet for the second time on February 17th.

New Business


  • Pajamas will be collected during the entire month of March for children in foster care. This event is sponsored by the Boston Bruins.

Motion to adjourn was made by Susan E. and seconded by Sue B. The meeting was adjourned at 6:52.


Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary


Next Meeting: March 10, 2022

Future Meetings: April 14, 2022, May 12, 2022, June 9, 2022