Selectboard Meeting Minutes 09/14/2021

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Selectboard Meeting Minutes

Otis Town Hall

Conference Room

Tuesday, September 14, 2021, at 7:00 PM


This meeting will be held in person at the location provided on this notice. Members of the public are welcome to attend. A remote option is offered via zoom with the link provided below. Please note that while an option for remote participation is being provided as a courtesy, the meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the virtual broadcast, unless otherwise required by law. Anyone with interest in any specific item should plan in person attendance.


Topic: Selectboard Meeting

Time: Sep 14, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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Attendance: In person: Larry Southard-Chair, Terry Gould, Brandi Page and Celeste Watman. Via Zoom: Gary Thomas, Larry Gould, Jim Crandall, Patricia Richard, Ann O’Donnell, Lyn O’Brien, Jim McCarthy, Jen Catolane, Hal Kobrin, Sonia Morrison, Phil McGovern, Chris Bouchard, Scott Shove & Diane Provenz.


Call to Order: 7:00 PM


Approval of Minutes: Motion made, seconded and passed to approve minutes from 8/24 as written.


Vote to remain a single precinct: Motion was made, seconded and passed to remain a single voting precinct.  


Pole Hearing: Jim McCarthy was present on behalf of the petition. These additional poles are to accommodate the moving of the regulator platform currently in front of the Taft property. Abutters had been notified. Derek checked the site and didn’t have any issues. Motion was made by Larry, Terry seconded and all approved the pole petition. Documents will be signed and certified by Lyn.


Vote to set petition deadline for ATM: Lyn is working on her calendar for 2022. She asked for the Board to set April 27th as the deadline for citizen petitions. Motion was made, seconded and all approved.


Cutting Plan: Scott was present again on behalf of the Forester. There was discussion about the Town allowing the trees from Klondike to be landed with ours and hauled out through our access. Larry brought up monetary compensation for this access. Scott agreed that is something we are within our rights to ask for. The Board settled on $1,000. Motion was made, seconded and approved for allowing the access and shared landing for $1000.00. Next to be discussed was the contract. Larry asked about the 18 month time frame for removing the timber. Scott said 18 months is pretty standard. He clarified the mills buy ahead and currently hemlock is desirable which is what most of our timber is so we don’t anticipate a problem. Motion was made to approve the contract, seconded and all approved. Third to be discussed was approving the cutting plan. As previously mentioned the trees had been marked. No issues had been raised. Hal spoke to ask if the tops were being left or removed. Scott stated the tops are left for two reasons. First the health of the forest and second the cost the Town would incur to have them removed. Hal questioned future uses and paths at that property and if the cutting plan needed further review. Jim Spoke to say the cutting plan had been on file and there had been no request to see a copy nor anyone that walked the property to inspect the markings other than himself. A motion was made to approve the cutting plan, seconded and all approved.


Maintenance Supervisor: A working group consisting of Brandi, Jim, Larry Southard and Larry Gould met to discuss all the tasks currently handled by Jim and how best to move forward in filling his position upon his retirement in January. A plan and applicable job descriptions were edited and or drafted. The plan is to make the current maintenance supervisor position a “working foreman” position at a IV classification and to then create above that a Facilities Administrator that oversees and handles all administrative duties of the department. The goal is to promote within where appropriate. Postings will first be posted internally, and then if unfilled, advertised broadly. The goal will be to still have two laborers, maintenance supervisor, assistant maintenance supervisor and the addition of the admin position. Timeline is proposed to be advertising in October, interviews early November and start date early December. We currently have the majority of the money in the budget to accommodate the changes and timeline. We anticipate asking for 15,000 or less at STM before the last positon is filled. Larry made a motion to accept the job descriptions as drafted. Terry seconded and all approved. Larry then made a motion to approve the timeline and Maintenance Supervisor classification change. Terry seconded and all approved. Diane asked is these positons require licenses to run large equipment. The answer was no.


ZBA Secretary Job description: ZBA had cleaned up the job description for the clerk position before they post and advertisement. Everyone was fine with the minor edits/ corrections. Motion was made to approve, seconded and passed.


Wireless Communication Bylaw: Discussion continued from our last meeting. Larry Gould’s edits had been forwarded to the Board prior to the meeting. Larry Southard asked if this can be continued again to allow more time to review Larry Gould’s edits. It cannot and needs to be approved for tonight so Planning can move forward. Hal had been given a copy of the edits. Some he felt made sense but he asked Larry to clarify others. Larry Gould stated he had sent those weeks prior so as not to get into the specifics during the Selectboard meeting. Hal agreed to set up a time with Larry Gould to discuss. Larry Southard made a motion to approve the bylaw revision moving forward with the condition Hal and Larry coordinate and come to agreement on the edits Terry seconded and all approved.


Review & Approval of Warrants: Payroll and vendor warrants are on the table for signature.


Any Other Topics: Larry Southard brought up the idea of meeting at 6:30 instead of 7:00. Everyone seemed ok with it. Motion was made, seconded and approved. Our next meeting will start at 6:30.


Adjournment: 7:53 PM