Technology Meeting Minutes 08/21/2017

Otis Technology Committee

Minutes for Meeting of

August 21, 2017

Otis Town Hall Conference Room


Meeting called to order at 6:00 pm in the Town Hall Conference Room, is being recorded, and a quorum is present.


Present:  Bill Hiller, Larry Gould, George Mabee, and Lisa D’Orazio

Others Present:  Dave Rice, Lyn O’Brien


Approval of Meeting Minutes:  The July 17, 2017 Technology meeting minutes were unanimously approved as written.


Changeover to New Otis Website:  The official turnover date will be set with Bobby once he returns from vacation on August 24th.  Lyn also presented a list of items that need Bobby’s attention.  If these items can be fixed before we go live, that would be great, but going live should not be held up for resolution of these items.  We are hoping we will go live on September 1st of this year.


Broadband Updates:  We now have a display board of how a typical broadband hookup will be connected to the home.  This will be available for the Informational Meeting scheduled for tomorrow night at 6:00 pm.  The white box for inside the home converts the digital fiber signal into a signal that can be used within the home and the black box for inside the home (router) takes the household signal and transmits it into household wifi.

                        The latest make ready report from Verizon is that Phase 1, also known as Pilot, is now 79% completed with still no firm completion date scheduled.  The original completion date for the Pilot was August 1st.  The electronic connections are up and running in Westfield, but have not yet been connected and tested with MBI’s middle mile.  Our new Broadband website,, may be up and running live in another week or two.


Broadband Informational Meetings:  The next one is scheduled for 6:00 pm tomorrow night and both Bill and Larry plan to be there.


FY’18 Expenditures so far:  Lisa provided a spreadsheet of what we have spent so far against the current year’s fiscal budget.  We have spent more than 50% of the budget, but all the one time large expenses have been paid and we are now into the routine monthly expenditures which should put us on track.



The meeting was unanimously adjourned at 6:42 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Lisa D’Orazio, recording secretary

Town of Otis Technology Committee


List of Documents


  1. A copy of Lyn’s email with the items that need attention for the new town website will be filed with these meeting minutes.


  1. A copy of Lyn’s email proposing the informational email to all users based upon the “Go Live” date will be filed with these meeting minutes.


  1. A copy of the spreadsheet showing FY’18 actual expenditures so far will be filed with these meeting minutes.