School Committee Meeting Minutes 02/05/2018

Farmington River Regional School District

Farmington River Elementary School

555 North Main Road, Otis, MA 01253

Monday February 5, 2018

Meeting #358




Members Present:  Nick DellaGiustina, Jessica Drenga, Hillary Howard, Carol Lombardo, Billie Pachulski, John Skrip, Tom Nadolny  and Eric Jesner


Absent:  Arlene Tolopko


Guests:  None


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:00p.m. by the chair, Nicholas DellaGiustina.


Community Participation:  none


  1. Approval of Minutes of Meeting #357 and Executive Minutes #357: The minutes of Meeting #357 were approved as submitted as well as the Executive Meeting minutes #357, Motioned by John Skrip, seconded by Jessica Drenga.  Vote unanimous


  1. Principal/Superintendent monthly undates: Tom stated that on the next agenda to vote

on school choice for 2018-2019.


We used the 2nd Blizzard Bag of the year.  Very high rate of return, 98%


Two teachers accepted early retirement package.  Judy Lander and Mary Fleming


PTA is going to put on a Winter Fun Day.  Tubing at Butternut.  Students are going in groups.  K-2nd are going in the morning.  3rd-6th are going in the afternoon.  Some curriculum will be assigned to the students to make up the work missed.


  1. Financial Update: Eric Jesner presented the FY19 budget to the School Committee.

     Nothing has changed since it was presented last month.  Still waiting for Otis to pass the

Stabilization Fund.  No questions were brought up.  A final vote will be in next month’s



  1. Unexpected topic for discussion: none


  1. Vote to move into Executive Session for the express purpose of negotiating contracts

     and to adjourn immediately after. 



Motion:  To enter Executive Meeting.  We will reconvene in General Meeting only to adjourn.

Carol Lombardo motioned, Jess Drenga seconded.


Roll call:  Nick DellaGiustina-yes, Hillary Howard-yes, Jessica Drenga-yes, Carol Lombardo-yes, John Skrip-yes, and Billie Pachulski


Adjourn:  Motion to adjourn the meeting by Billie Pachulski, seconded by Hillary Howard.  Unanimous, 7:45pm.



Respectfully submitted,


Teresa DellaGiustina, secretary
