Scholarship Committee Meeting Minutes 05/04/2022

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Scholarship Committee Meeting Minutes

May 4, 2022

Otis Town Hall- in person

Laurie Nikituk, Patricia Richard, Lyn O’Brien

The meeting was called to order at 3:15pm.

Reviewed how much money was left in the town scholarship account.
Lyn will ask the accountant for a balance for the donation account.

The committee voted unanimously to give each of the three qualified applicants for FY22 $150.00 toward books.

For FY23 two application were received.
Voted unanimously to accept application number 1 for a $2000.00 scholarship
Voted unanimously to accept application number 2 for a $2000.00 scholarship

The meeting was adjourned at 4:00 pm

Submitted by Lyn OBrien