Planning Board Minutes 02/08/2016

Town of Otis
Planning Board Meeting Minutes
February 8, 2016
Town Hall Inspectors’ Office


Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm in the Otis Town Hall Inspectors’ Room. The meeting is recorded and a quorum is present.

Present: Michael Ernst, Hal Kobrin, Jim Kauffman, Terry Cook, Mike Parsons


Approval of Minutes: The January 11, 2016 minutes were unanimously approved as written. Michael made the motion to accept and Jim K. seconded.

Form A ANR: Mike Parsons is here to represent Robert E. Johnson, Jr., who wants to subdivide 120 South Main Road, Map 10F Lot 49, into two lots and two parcels, of which the two parcels are not legal building lots and will be conveyed to abutters. Michael moved to accept the Form A ANR as presented, Jim K. seconded, and the request was unanimously approved. Mike presented a check for $70.00 for the two lots and $70.00 cash for the two parcels.


Transportation Advisory Council: Clete Kus from BRPC sent paperwork . Currently, Otis has four TIP projects listed. Hal wants more projects listed for Otis and will bring it up at tomorrow night’s Select Board meeting.

Complete Streets: Hal noted Craig was appointed by the Select Board and our next step was working on the town’s policy. They now require a paid person from the Town be the representative. Hal and Derek attended the second round of training so Otis still qualifies for the program. This should fit in with our Master Plan.

St. Paul’s Episcopal Church: Hal has met with the Otis Historical Society and with the Historical Commission and everyone is now on the same program with the same goal in mind. The Vicar from the Old North Church received the prayer box, the chandelier, and the pulpit from St. Paul’s and has expressed willingness to return these items if the town becomes the new owner of the church.

Michael E. moved the meeting be adjourned, Terry seconded, and the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 7:30 pm.


Respectfully Submitted,
Lisa D’Orazio
Planning Board Clerk
Town of Otis

List of Documents

A copy of the 2015 Final Master Plan, with appendices, the Executive Summary, the ???, and the Open Space and Recreation Plan for the Town of Otis will be kept on file and available in the Inspectors’ Office at Otis Town Hall.
A copy of the MGL chapters and sections handed out at the meeting will be filed with these meeting minutes.
A copy of Hal’s document regarding St. Paul’s will be filed with these meeting m