Planning Board Meeting Minutes 11/12/2019

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Town of Otis

Planning Board Meeting Minutes

November 12th 2019

7:00 p.m.

Town Hall Planning Room


Members Present: Hal Kobrin, Jim Kauffman, Jennifer Daily

Public Present: Ziter Saloomey, Linda Saloomey




  1. Call to order at 7:01pm


  1. Approval of Minutes.  Approval of August 12th PB Minutes.  Motion Passed Unanimously.  Review September 2019 meeting minutes.  Could not pass due to no quorum of members for that particular meeting.  No objections to the minutes.


  1. Form A ANR.  Marc E Shute of R. Levesque Associates, Inc prepared for Pine Road, LLC,  Request to sub-divide land located on Pine Road, recorded at Berkshire Registry of Deeds  Book 3696 Page 70,  to create four parcels identified as parcel #10, parcel #11, parcel #12 and parcel #13…..each to be conveyed to abutters.    Board members discussed plot divisions.  Hal made a motion to accept, Jim seconded, passed unanimously.  Check submitted in the amount of $140.


  1. Simplified waterways License Applications. (Dock permit applications)
  1. Peter & Brenda Allen; 10 South Lake Ave
  2. Robert Bailey; 17 Elm Lane
  3. Peter Pappas; Brookman Drive

All acknowledged as received and filed accordingly.


  1. Planning Board Clerk.  Review applications and schedule interviews.
  2. Dana Pustinger
  3. Stacey Schultze

Hal will reach out and assess if each candidate is interested in the position and plan to make a decision at the next meeting.  Hal will also inquire as to the possibility of hiring a consultant to train the incoming person.


  1. Any Other Old or New Items for Discussion
  2. D&J Development Notice of Decision Discussion. Jen will send Notice of Decision and follow up with Vickie Donahue.
  3. Planning Board Chair: Jen has resigned as chair due to time conflict.  Jim nominated Hal. Jen seconded. Unanimously approved.
  4. Robert McMahon, PB member continues to be ill. Discussed well wishes for him, will need to make a decision about Leave of Absence versus resignation.
  5. BRPC has many upcoming workshops, discussed complete streets program, town master plan, and a lively discussion of best management practices.


  1. At 7:55pm Jim made a motion to adjourn, Hal seconded, passed unanimously



The Public is invited to attend