Planning Board Meeting Minutes 11/09/2020

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Town of Otis

Planning Board Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2020

7:00 p.m.

Online using the Zoom link provided below.


*This meeting is being conducted remotely through Zoom. You must check back within 24 hours of the start time for a link to join.

Pursuant to the Governor’s March 12, 2020 order suspending certain provisions of the Open Meeting Law, G.L. c. 30A, Sec 18, this meeting is being held via remote participation to the greatest extent possible. Every effort is being made to ensure that any member of the public may access the meeting in real time, via technological means. Agendas will be amended to show the link and participation code to access the meeting no sooner than 48 hours before. Recordings and/or draft proceedings of the meeting will be available on our website as soon as possible.


  1. Roll Call: Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm
    1. Hal Kobrin, Chair
    2. Rona Knight, Member
    3. Jim Kauffman, Member
    4. Jen Daily, Member
    5. Stacey Schultze, Clerk
    6. Blake Middleton, public
    7. Patrick, public


  1. Approval of Minutes. Approval of September 14, 2020 Planning Board meeting minutes.
    1. Jen motions to accept
    2. Jim seconds
    3. All in favor


  1. Form A Application- Middleton
    1. Questions about the property lines were addressed by applicant and surveyor.
    2. Hal makes a motion to accept
    3. Jen seconds
    4. All in favor
    5. Plans for signing the mylar and copies were made to individually sign at Jen’s home for expediency for the applicant.


  1. Hazard Mitigation Plan update


  1. MVP Update


  1. A combined update was given on items 4-5.
  2. Documents have been shared with tables showing the greatest impact on Otis with categories set out by the programs. These items will be short-listed and shared in Public Listening Session where the public will be surveyed for input on the items.  The subcommittee is working on the details for these sessions.
  3. Jen was asking if there are minutes from the subcommittee meetings that can be shared with the planning board and when the next subcommittee meeting is scheduled for.
  4. Rona asked for clarification on the map which identifies areas of Otis to be addressed. Hal responded that many of the items on the map are wells or wetland areas and that is why there are so many.  The maps consist of layers that will be used to hone in on specific areas.


  1. Complete Streets Update
    1. The select board accepted the correspondence sent to the MA DOT.
    2. MA DOT accepted and will grant our request.
    3. BRPC will work with Engineers and ask the subcommittee/ planning board questions regarding the process and potential projects. The Planning Board will act more as a guide.
    4. Rona asked about a list of suggestions.
    5. Hal mentioned that public input will be requested.
  2. Building Reuse
    1. Historical is moving forward with the Church in the center of town and Schoolhouse in East Otis.
    2. Suggestions from Planning Board members can be added to the shared google document.


  1. Housing Choice Small Town FY 21 Capital Grant Program
    1. Board agreed not to apply. There are specific certifications that the town may not have at this time in order to apply for this particular grant.
    2. Zoning rules impact low income opportunities and how Otis creates a more just/ equitable/ diverse population growth.
    3. It was noted that there is a cluster bylaw which allows for smaller lots and larger green space, less curb cuts in the main road. In-law apartments and 2 family homes as well as bed and breakfasts are all allowed in Otis.


  1. Any Other Business, Old or New.


  1. Discussion of new email addresses for the town hall offices, requirements of recording meetings, and recording space of zoom meetings limited.
  2. Discussion of file keeping requirements by the state and who’s responsibility to plan for increased need of digital file storage questioned.
  3. Jen asked if expansion of cloud storage capabilities or backup drives could fall under HMP/MVP grants?
  4. Hal mentioned there may be a security concern over who is maintaining the files and that as he understands the law, the Planning Board needs to maintain their own records separately from town files.
  5. Stacey reported back that there are 8 new students in the Farmington River Region School District this school year which shows a marginal population growth.
  1. Rona motions to adjourn meeting at 8:34 pm, Jim seconds, all in favor.


The Public is invited to attend using the following Zoom link.


Topic: Planning Board Meeting 11/9/220

Time: Nov 9, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


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