Library Meeting Minutes 10/11/2018

Otis Library Museum Meeting

Thursday, October 11, 2018


Members in attendance: (All present): Jim Adams, Kathleen Bort, Diane Dyer, Susan Ebitz, Walter Engels, James Feldman, Lois Hall, Eve Kummel, and Celeste Watman


The meeting was called to order by Diane Dyer, Chair at 6:30. Motions were made and accepted to approve the September minutes and the August and September Treasure’s Reports. Treasurer Walter Engels then explained various aspects of the annual report that he’s required to submit. Jane made a motion that was seconded by Eve to investigate CD options by shopping around for better interest rates. Celeste made the motion that was seconded by Susan to accept the results of the annual report as read. The motion passed unanimously.


Kathleen Bort, Library Director submitted the following report to the board:

  • Attendance was steady with 20 to 30 people coming daily. The new hours started this week.
  • Analysis of materials checked out shows that nonfiction is the least circulated.
  • Acquisitions: The library has added 30 books, 20 DVD’s and 6 Audiobooks
  • Special programs Attendance: Computer workshop on the cloud was attended by 10 people, and Chromebooks by 4. On the Friday before Halloween, Kerry will distribute free items (treats) all day & trick or treat 5-7 kids fill bags with books.
  • New plans include weeding / getting ready for free month of November and screening files and documents.

Diane thanked Kathy for her report.

Eve made a motion that was seconded by Susan and unanimously approved to reverse the agenda order and conduct new business before old business. The first item dealt with Policy – and the responsibility of officers. Diane, Walter and Susan explained what their jobs entailed and indicated a willingness to serve for another year in their respective capacities. Each received unanimous support for the following positions:

Diane Dyer, Chair of the Otis Library and Museum

Walter Engels, Treasurer of the Otis Library and Museum

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary of the Otis Library and Museum


Jane brought up the topic of fundraising for the library and reported on her observations of other groups using the Knox Trail Inn with the suggestion that the library consider holding the fair there. Celeste is interested in us pursuing a book sale. Eve raised the question of the viability of the fair. It was decided that Celeste, Diane, and Jane would form a subcommittee to explore fundraising options and the subject of fundraising would be the focus of the November meeting.


Diane shared that the Rec Department requested that the library be used for movie night, but Kathy reminded everyone that the due to licensing restrictions that this wasn’t possible.

Jane brought up the recent planning board meeting concerning the use of Harmony Hall. Five members of the board attended this meeting (Celeste, Diane, Eve, Jane and Susan) and after discussion the board unanimously agreed that they were opposed to moving the contents of the Otis Museum to Harmony Hall. Jane and Jim will be meeting to begin to evaluate and prioritize the holdings upstairs in the museum. Susan asked to be included to explore the possibility of using these artifacts with students at the FRRSD.


In other new business, Susan offered to explore funding options from The Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners (MBLC) website. Members received a Trustees Handbook.  Celeste reported that she was still working on policy. She shared policies from the Tyngsborough Public Library Policy Manual   for our consideration. Kathy explained how these policies were being addressed at the Otis Library through CWMARS. Discussion of privacy and requests for patron information ensued. The board also acted and added the amendment to the town policy regarding social media.


Under old business, the board admired and thanked Lois, Jane and Jimmy Crandall for their efforts to secure the art hanging system. All agreed that it made the artwork more accessible to our patrons.


Diane made, and Walter seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:18.


Respectfully Submitted,

Susan Ebitz, Recording Secretary


Next Meeting: Thursday, November 8, 2018,

Future Meetings: Please don’t schedule speakers on our regularly meeting nights

December 13, 2018

January 10, 2019

February 14, 2019

March 14, 2019

April 11, 2019

May 9, 2019

June 13, 2019