Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 09/03/2019

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Historical Commission minutes for September 3, 2019

Present: Sonia Morrison, Diane Provenz, Celeste Watman, Thom Garvey, Tom Ragusa, Judi Mabee

Guests: Lauretta Harris, Charles Rosenblum, Lynn Pyenson, Geoff Pigman

Called to order at 5:35 pm

Minutes of August 5, 2019 approved

Minutes of August 18, 2019 approved

St. Paul’s – Decision on Quiet Title action is now in the Judges Chamber. Diane said Town Counsel is expected to hear soon. Atty for the church said once Town has title we can contact diocese regarding personal property.

No one was able to go to the Select board meeting

East Otis Schoolhouse – Sonia advised RFP is moving forward. Tom said he spoke at the al board meeting to let them know our progress so far.

Knox Trail – Tom gave a presentation at the library re the survey, hike and 64 mile marker. 21 new people attended. There will be a write-up about it in the Country Journal. He is getting ready to start the Sandisfield survey. Sonia said there was a town order in October 2009 designating the milestone way for foot traffic only (except handicap access). Suggested we take this up with select-board to give a copy of the order to all abutters so that the town can erect signage.

Grants: Celeste reminded us that The Otis Cultural Council offers grants and we can apply for one. – a video of the Knox Trail would be a good fit. Vote was approved to accept grant if eligible.

Fundraising – There is a 501K being formed for fundraising -The Otis Preservation Trust

New Business: Tom said he has emailed Town Clerks office for help finding papers from previous commission. Was advised some documents were in vault and some in filing cabinet. Tom was unable to locate everything he was looking for

Next meeting September 18, 2019 5:30pm

Adjourned 5:55 pm