Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 06/04/2019

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Historical Commission minutes for June 4, 2019

Present: Celeste Watman, Sonia Morrison, Diane Provenz, Lauretta Harris, Judi Mabee

Called to order at 5:35 pm

Minutes of March and May meetings approved with correction

Knox Trail – Tom and Sonia and Judi met with Mr. Keller and the 5th grade students for a trek along the Otis portion of the Knox Trail. The students were inquisitive and very involved in discussions about the local history. They were well-informed and knowledgeable about many aspects of the route from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston from their studies. Tom and Sonia were able to describe the conditions and describe the local setting in Otis during this time. We are hoping they will show us some pictures of their stay in New York.

Budget – we will need funds for envelopes for our appeal letter to householders in Otis. Diane has opened a separate revolving account with the town and the Historical Society. Celeste will submit for purchase for archival paper, binders and sleeves. Payment to Quick Print re estimate for pamphlet was approved

St. Paul’s Church – Sonia will speak to the select board regarding proposing certain “levels of giving” when fundraising. Diane and Lauretta will work on how it should be structured.


Fund raising – Diane will seek list of addresses. Next meeting will approve draft of the letter to go with appeal.


Five year plan: $500000. Do we divide by 5 years?


Ask Tom Ragusa for wish list for Knox Trail: i.e. protect 65mile market, signage, parking, trail markers, etc.


Grants: make list of available grants, including MA development-commonwealth places.


Sonia to ask select board about plaque


Next meeting 6/24 10:30 am


Adjourned 7:05pm